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(The Buggy Blog of Karl C. Priest)

Evolution exclusively exists in the buggy brains of believers of Darwin’s delusion.

I am glad to be a gadfly!

With street smarts, country common sense, and a biblical basis I say what conservative leaders (and most preachers) will not say.

I PULL NO PUNCHES—NEITHER LEFT HOOKS NOR RIGHT CROSSES. I have been banned from both the (sick) loony left Huffington Post and the (self-) righteous right Tea Party Nation.

My horn only plays five notes.

1. Evolution is a lie.
2. Abortion is murder.
3. Government schools are evil.
4. Sodomy is sin.
5. Salvation is only from Jesus Christ.

See My Testimony.

Everything else is based upon those notes.

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; (Joel 2:1 KJB)

Entries are loosely grouped into categories: Myself, Christians (& Christianity), Religious People (including atheists), Conservatives, Education, Evolutionism, Politicians/Politics, Liberalism, Baby Killing, and Miscellaneous. Some entries may work in more than one category.

LAST ENTRY: 10-15-2024 under Politicians/Politics. The newest entry is usually at the top of the category.
NOTE: Some of the original entries may seem like incomplete sentences. When this article began, I was just answering the question: Do you know what bugs me?

You will likely like an assortment of articles that deal in depth with some of the subjects below.

Other pages that I update periodically are “The Common Thread”, “Political Bugs”, “Thank God for Insects”, and “BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!”.

I have a few problems with insects. I live in a rural area and have to battle them for my share of the produce and flowers my wife and I plant. Insects bite and sting me. I understand the situation both scientifically and biblically. Insects are great reminders of the curse and that this world is not our home.

Insects cannot tell right from wrong. They were not made in the image of God. Jesus did not die to redeem insects. There are some things that humans due that really bug me and I list them in no particular order.

This blog started as a way to vent, but “evolved” into a mixture of venting and commenting. Although I am just a dot in the conservative grand composition, I diligently poke derision at psychotic liberals and phony conservatives.

I recommend you not spend time reading this blog unless you want to find out if some of your peeves are similar to mine. Your time would be much better spent reading the Bible.


My messages aren’t motivated by money. I have three thoughts: GET SAVED, RESCUE THE CHILDREN, EVOLUTION IS A LIE
As a teacher I loved “lighting light bulbs” with the logic, value and beauty of math. God invented math. See The Why and Where of Mathematics.

I tell my story for His glory.
I voted for a “man of color” because of his character long before the mulatto abomination of BObama.

I thank God for the love and loyalty of a Labrador in this lousy liberal land.

I pretty much spend long periods of poking fun at evolutionism and praising examples of fantastic creation.

God gave me the gift of teaching which gave me the opportunity to expose students to the errors of evolutionism.
When I retired I got refired up to expose the errors of evolutionism.

I certainly will not win Mr. Congeniality, but liberals are not really annoyed at my personality.  It is my points and preferences that drive them daffy.

I am not much of a “turn the other cheek” guy. I am more of a “ye generation of vipers” (Matt. 23:33 KJB) man.


I am just a puny old man with not much physical might left, but I will continue to fight on with plenty of mouth and a pretty good mind.
I am controversial mainly to compromisers of conscience, not to realizers of reality.

I am a Big Boy who loves Bitty Bugs.
When God gets me past my laziness and lusts good pieces fall into place.


I am committed to the cause of Christ and care of kids.
Why did I send my children to government schools? It was a combination of being dumb and disobedient. My egregious error is no excuse for everyone else who want to expose their children to evil.
I cannot make it on the might of men or myself. I need the Master (Knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven. Col. 4:1b).
Many times I have flat-out failed.  Romans 7:14 KJB
When I tried to mess with the ways of the world I proved the reality of II Peter 2:2 (KJB).
After several years of arguing with atheists and agnostics and trying to be an amateur apologist I concluded that the cause of Christ is better served by learning and sharing scripture. I heard a preacher tell of entering a new town to pastor a church. A local skeptic sought him out and spewed his arguments. The preacher proceeded to answer only one way: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) The skeptic was saved.
In reality, most people will not be saved because according to Matthew 7:14 (KJB) “few there be that find it (salvation).” That fact is not an excuse to stop presenting the Gospel message, but it helps to eliminate discouragement from perceived failure. Also, since there is limited time in a 24-hour day, it causes a focus upon dedicating time toward people who are sincere seekers of truth. This applies to telling the truth about creation and the lie of evolutionism.
I started out at full throttle on the right road, reached a point of coasting with detours down dark and dangerous streets leading in the wrong direction, and want to finish on the right road at full throttle.

I am forthwith full of faults and still struggle with sin.

The truth is that I far too often disappoint myself. Of course, the more I try to do, the more opportunities I have to mess up. It is always when I get out of the will of God. I am grieved at the hurt that I caused--to friends, foes and family--while I was lukewarm. I made as many amends as possible and accept the forgiveness of Jesus Christ the Lord (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. I John 1:9-10), tried to heal the hurt I caused, and continue to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14 KJB)



Christ will keep you clear and calm.
If you wonder what the future holds, hope for a ride on the Rapture.
Jesus will sanctify and glorify you.
You cannot outpace God’s Grace.

Read God’s Word and God’s word will lead.
It may seem that things are falling apart, but read REVELATION and see that things are falling in place.
When in doubt, don’ pout—give God a shout!
If you are concerned that your ministry is minuscule—consider that God has got it.
Procure God’s plan and proceed at God’s pace.
Do daily decisions deliberately and delightfully designed for the Divine.
Devote yourself to God and go vote!
Hit the highway to heaven and hold on.
Give God the glory as you generously give.
Trust the Trinity through trouble and turmoil.
Listen to the Lord and He will lead.
In sun and shade take time to see the many miracles God has made.
Subject yourself to God and God will direct and protect you.
Contemplate Christ and Christ will educate, motivate, and regenerate you.
Receive or reject; repent or rebel; your choices are heaven or hell.
Wake up! Warm up. Speak up about Jesus.
You can squawk and grovel to satan OR you can shout and glorify the Savior.
Enjoy the joy of Jesus.
You have confirmation that God gives you certification to ask Him for protection and direction, so give God appreciation and exaltation.
Go as God guides and give the Gospel.
Whatever you endeavor, continue in Christ.
The only one worthy of worship is Creator Christ.
------------- -
Ask God for the gifts of goodness, guidance, and gumption.
The Devil wants to discourage, distract, deceive and demean us.
Look for the Rapture to occur, but live as if the “rupture” will occur.
Do preparation for participation in preparing people’s contemplation of salvation.
The Holy Spirit will inspect you and also direct and protect you.
You can go for gold or go for God. The former leads to gloomy grief, while the latter leads to a golden Gift.
The King James Bible: TESTED, TRIED, and TRUE.
Holiness usually leads to healthiness and always leads to happiness.

The problem with America is not due to corrupt politician, it is due to compromising preachers.
In a church, if the leadership is astray, the membership will lose the way.
God did not make a mistake when he made the mosquito. See Dragonfly's Demise (about danger and death).
Whether by microbes, medicine, or miracles—Jesus heals!
The Cross of Christ can conquer the Curse.
Joining a church is a charade if it is comparable to joining a club.
A holy help meet is a perfect present from a fabulous Father. "And the LORD God said,  It is  not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:20

The Bible is a tool that will fix a broken life.

Few of the Kanawha County Textbook Protesters had B.S. degrees, but they were smart enough to know liberal BS when they heard it.
I may be portrayed as a party pooper for party poppers, but when the lights are on, the music is off, and your high is low—only ONE WAY offers you peace.
In dealing with God, you can be dependent or defiant. The former results in deliverance. The latter ends in destruction.
I hope you hit heaven hollering, “HALLEJUHAH!”
Without a godly rudder you will go to the gutter.
Let the Lord lead, then leave it to the Lord.

History is good, but His story is GREAT.
A Christian group (which will not call for parents to rescue their children) makes a big deal out of its annual “Bring Your Bible to School” day. So far, no one has tried to stop a student from bringing a Bible to school.  The idea is just putting cheap paint on a rusty wagon.
If preachers don’t preach it then parents won’t reach it. it = to cherish their children by rescuing them from government schools.
Why are there so many religions and (especially) false Christian cults like the Mormons? Here is an analogy: You have designed a perfect plan for each person to have peace of mind and you are giving the information away for free. I despise you and sell a for-profit product that people would have to reject if they accept your plan. I can try to discredit your plan (atheism) or I can provide similar plans that resemble yours, but actually do nothing except encourage people to not use your plan because they think mind is similar and better. The truth is that God has a Perfect Plan for you to live forever with joy. Satan wants you to miss that because he hates God.

Christianity is the only religion that moves men (and women) to make massive amounts of music.

The American Family Association (AFA) correctly leads boycotts against evil (Disney, Home Depot, Target, etc.), but ignores the greatest evil of government schools!
We let the camel's nose in the door with same sex marriage and now the tent is getting full of the whole stinking camel.
Churches/pastors have been afraid to call homosexuality perversion.  Now they are in the position, if they even try, of begging for laws to protect them.

In my years pleading with parents to rescue their children I have observed that the problem is primarily with pastors.  This article puts it in perspective.

Conservatives and dumb and dilatory for not removing their children from the enemy’s education centers, but Christian are those and disobedient.

Listen to the Lord and learn.

To see how Satan sneakily and stealthfully succeeds study C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters.
Wherever Christian principles are practiced peace prevails.
It takes courage and compassion to share Christ.
The Inquisition was Catholicism, not Christianity.

There are the Three R’s of education. Here are the Three C’s of revelation: Creation crucifixion, consummation (The point at which something is complete or finalized.) At that point we leave this world of woe and this sin-sick sphere.

Every preacher should ponder what William Cook, Founder/Exec. Director Black Robe Regiment of Virginia and either rejoice or repent
Be a walking witness—wear a Christian t-shirt. Leave leaflets wherever you can. Take the time to talk to people about Jesus.

The Devil wants to destroy the Bible and his methods are Condemnation and Confusion.

There is a plethora of pathetic pantywaist pastors, positioned behind pretty pulpits, placating parishioners proudly positioned on padded pews. I pity America without pastors with the power of those who led the Courageous Corps of 74.  Here are four of them. The first pastor (Graley) you see in the video was a full time pastor and owned a roofing company. The second pastor (Quigley) was a full time pastor. The third pastor (Hill 4:00) ran a plumping company which he lost due to IRS attack (See pages 299-300 of Protester Voices--The 1974 Textbook Tea Party ). The fourth one (Horan) lost his job as a truck driver and was framed and sent to prison. All of them have been mocked and maligned for 40 years.  They should be a model for those men claiming to be God's Shepherds.
Preachers must proclaim the message that parents put into practice the mandate that pupils participate in Christian education.

Preachers whose primary position is membership and money instead of fellowship and ministry.

A Bible believer (fundamentalist) reads the Bible straightforwardly with the understanding that parts containing poetry and parables have literal lessons.

Some who call themselves “Christians,” should answer this question asked by Jesus: “ And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46)

It is a shame to the body of Christ that there are two well-to-do (one very much so) car dealers who would not provide a loaner vehicle to a missionary home on furlough.

Some folks think (usually due to well-meaning Christians) that getting saved is the end of all problems and temptations. The Bible does not say that. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (II Ti. 3:12) Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. (I Pe. 4:12) Jesus said, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” (Ma. 5:11) The “great” Apostle Paul suffered and said, "And he (Jesus) said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” (II Co. 1:9-10)

Jesus was tempted: Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (Mt. 4:1). Paul told it like it is: For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. (Ro. 7:18-19) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:8-9) God gives us Grace to persevere through trials and Grace to put away the tendency to sin. The Christian life is like that of the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly. The caterpillar is the self-consumed ground-bound gluttonous nasty critter. The butterfly is the born-again Christ-counseled heaven-headed glorified new creature. Someday we will fly away to a place we have never been. The forest to which the butterfly flies is paradise to butterflies, but it is a poor representation of heaven. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (I Co. 2:9)

More on temptation More on suffering
Confused Christians (real or professed) have done more to bring shame upon the Church than addlebrained atheists (righteous or pretentious).

The American FAMILY Association and Focus on the FAMILY find fault with government schools, but fail to call for folks to RESCUE THEIR CHILREN.
During my ministry I have noticed that the most generous churches are the “poorest.”

Even the most ignorant infidel comprehends the dilemma faced by Christians who will not hold up a Bible and declare that Bible to be without error. The Authorized (KJB) Bible was not broken so it did not need to be fixed.
Competition among creation organizations is due to human nature (the tendency of Christians to be carnal) which causes them to think that THEIR ministry is the best and/or most deserving. Sometimes there is even cut-throatism due to their thinking there is only so much money available to get in donations. A biblical truth applies: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Pro. 23:7a KJB). Sadly, (although one prominent leader who has abandoned the inerrant Bible claims the verse is inaccurate) they are subject to another Bible truth. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (Ephesians 6:10 KJB )
Televangelists like the ones who sucker folks into thinking God will send them money if they send the preacher money have done more to hurt the cause of Christ than all combined atheists. Not far behind those shysters are mega-church “no hell” preachers.
Alas! There is reluctance by the Christian community to rescue children (see Baby Killing below). Much of the blame rests upon pastors who either can't comprehend, or don't care, or won't challenge the pew sitters in their congregations. The problem with America is not due to liberals and evolutionists. THE PROBLEM IS IN THE PULPITS and politicians won’t solve it. (See the Education section below.
Also see “I Saw Two Preachers”.)
Lots (most?) of contemporary “Christian” music could be easily sung to a lover or leader. They rarely (if ever) mention God let alone Jesus.
Would a liberal send their children to an all-expenses paid school taught by Bible believers using a fundamentalist Christian curriculum? Why do Christians send their children to a “free” school taught that teaches the opposite of what they believe. Children learn a lot from their peers, but the books are full of attacks upon conservative, traditional American, and Christian values. It even happens in math class! See part A of my grievance. The same book had a lesson on ESP.
No wonder compromise is rampant in the churches. They have no standard set of instructions. With multiple bibles saying different things it is chaos when so-called scripture is read aloud. Naturally, skeptics can say, “You claim to believe in an omnipotent God, yet He could not preserve His Word in English (the same would go for other languages). All most churches have are (at best) books about the Bible. The King James Bible still works just fine.
Too many churches are more interested in the supper room than they are the Upper Room. (obtained from a newsletter)
I have a born again relative who boycotts Walmart because she things they don’t treat workers fairly, but she has no problem taking money from government schools that spiritually harm Christian children.
God did not make money. He made mankind. He will not put His hand in a person’s purse or pocket
Born again Christians can have a common communion (of the Saints) while having a difference in details how they do devotions.
I heard part of an interview of an author of an apologetics book who made some good points. Christians should be competent so they can be confident and creative as they compassionately get others to consider Christ.

If your labor for the Lord is lackadaisical (without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic), look:

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. Eccl. 9:10

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Col. 3:17
There are much too many “my ministry ministers”. Those preachers push programs to fill the pews and keep funds from the followers flowing. One local one told me he was afraid it would ruin his ministry and all that he worked for if he appeared to show honor to the Textbook Protesters. The man is pathetic.

The modern Cushion Christian is apathetic and pathetic. They only get riled if their cable TV service is off. They admire the reality TV stars. They get excited over sports contests.
Why listen to sick secular music when you can listen to these:

Bible Agnostic Christians (BACs) are like evolutionists when they try to defend their belief God was unable to preserve His inerrant Word in English. They jip on the least little alleged error in the King James Bible just like evos leap for joy over things like the Moon rock or Lucy. When the BAC’s flimsy hopes are answered they resort to support from “multiple scholars.”
I heard a preacher on the radio make some pertinent points which I will paraphrase. <There are too many pastors interested in fleecing the flock. Pastors should lead like shepherds and act like servants.>

Bible agnostics have no Bible. May God have mercy on them for theirr unbelief. May God have mercy on those they cause to stumble because of their doubt in His power and His honesty in what He said He would do with his Word.

Talking to Bible agnostics is like talking to evolutionists. Their position is the flip side of a counterfeit coin. Evolutionism is the head and Bible-perversions is the tail.
If you think the NIV is a "good English translation" then you are spiritually deceived. Take this test.
A big time (in the sense of national creation-science ministry) Christian Bible compromiser tried to tell me the KJB translators were wrong when they said the love of money is the root of all evil (I Tim. 6:10). He said that lust causes more evil than the love of money. This is not the place to rebut his ridiculousness however the Spring 2011 incident of the hotel maid claiming to have been raped by the head of the International Monetary Fund causes one to wonder.
American Christians are mainly lazy and lustful. They ae not necessarily lustful in a sexual context although that is common due to their consumption of Hollywood handouts. The lustfulness is for mor things to consume—better electronic gadgets, bigger boats—buy, buy, buy. Their laziness is centered on the desire to remain comfortable while babies are massacred, marriage is mutilated, and children are indoctrinated. The cure is Matthew 6:19, II Timothy 3:12, and James 4:14 (KJB).
My local Christian music station also has preaching programs. When I tuned in one day there was a preacher saying that a certain word (I didn’t even catch what word) could be translated one way in the NASV and another way in the KJB and NKJV. I turned him off before he got to the NIV. I pity Christians (especially young ones) who listen to sermons like that. To me, the preacher is proclaiming “God can’t get it the way He wants it.”
Evangelical churches that claim “One Faith", but cannot settle upon one Bible. I attended a church that had “Bible” as part of its name. When a visiting speaker started reading out of an NIV (I think) I observed folks shutting their Bibles because they could not read along with him. When I privately addressed this with church leadership I was accused of causing confusion.
See why I only use the King James Bible.
Major creation ministries (especially the popular and powerful) that proclaim their goals of “Battling for the Bible” or defending the Bible “from the very first verse yet they have no Bible that they can declare is God’s pure and sure Word without error. Sadly, they are building upon a sandy foundation that any atheist can undermine. The same groups influence naïve parents to sacrifice their precious children to dangerous and ungodly government schools because the children have been “trained” to argue against evolutionism. Sadly, it seems to me that the leaders place profit and prestige over people (in this case, children).
As a retired public school teacher I am convinced that our only hope is to rescue our children from the public (government) schools and raise a godly generation. Please see "Call to Dunkirk". Public schools cannot be redeemed. Saying we should not abandon them is like saying the passengers of the Titanic should have stayed aboard because the band was playing good music and the captain was a good man.
Churches that sit empty almost all week that could be used for God’s work such as Christian schools or homeschool co-ops.
Homeschoolers and Christian schools need to unite for the sake of children. 
The “University Model School” may be the way to go.
Prosperity Preaches and “Name It-Claim It” message malarkey.
A couple of clergymen who are “compromising Charlies” are Chuck Swindol and Charles Stanley. They are wishy-washy on evolutionism and have no Bible that is pure and sure.
See “Renegade Reverend.”
Some people are beingdrawn like moths to an open flame to unsound and unbiblical ideas” like The Shack, Purpose Driven Life, Seeker Movement, Emergent Church and more. For information see “Troubling Trends in the Church”and “A Common Thread”.

Pastors who are more motivated to keep their jobs than key in on the sins of society. They are content to let the congregation sit contently on the pews (usually padded) as long as the pastor’s pocketbook is provided with a regular paycheck. See more about them below and under “Conservatives.”
There is a great deception sweeping through churches.  That is a New Age religious tenet that is a satanic lie.  See 2 Tim. 4:3-4 KJB.  This movement is being perpetuated by mega-ministers like Rick Warren.   It causes some Christians to think that they can sin without consequence.  The dogma also removes the motivation for the need to preach and proclaim that there is a real hell where unrepentant sinners will go (Rev. 20:15 KJB). Also see “The Common Thread.”
Christians (especially preachers) who do not stand up against baby killing and degradation of Biblical marriage.
There are three types of Christians:
1. Fake (some are pastors) They are on a journey to hell.
2. Foolish (pew sitters) They will suffer at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
3. Fundamentalist (not perfect) They will hear Jesus say, “Well done.”

A Christian who does not try to warn a sinner being herded to hell or help a brother bound headlong for hurt is not consistent with what Christ commands.
The problem with America is not due to liberals and evolutionists. THE PROBLEM IS IN THE PULPITS and politicians won’t solve it. It is mostly due to preachers who lack courage, but (as a news report disclosed on ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/WN/atheist-ministers-leading-faithful/story?id=12004359) there are atheists filling Christian church pulpits.
Preachers have done more harm than politicians. After I exposed blasphemy of the Lord Jesus Christ in local public (i.e. “government”) schools not one preacher rose up to call for Christians to rescue their children from those seminaries of paganism.
There are too many (in fact most of them are) churches that are social clubs instead of salvation centers.
Christians who shun other Christians over non-essentials. If we have Romans 10:9-11 in agreement, we have a foundation for friendship. (Fellowship rests upon more.   See my Statement of Beliefs.)

Christians who, if arrested for being a Christian, would not have enough evidence against them for a conviction. “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”* Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. (James 4:14)

Professing Christians who have less ethics and honor than non-Christians. A man lied to me while wearing “John 3:16" embossed on his baseball cap. Some of my worst business experiences have been with businessmenn who use a fish sign in their advertisements. I have even caught preachers lying.

While on the subject of the ethics of Christians, I should mention that heterosexuals (including many in the church) have done more to harm the God ordained institution of marriage (one man and one woman until death) than homosexuals. Again, a lot of the blame rests upon the pastors.

American Christians who feel that they are “persecuted” because someone sits in “their” pew or they don’t get through the line in time to get the preferred dessert at the church dinner. What terrible"trials and tribulations!"
An elderly relative who claims to be a Christian yet she does not fellowship in any way with other Christians. Her radio plays all day long on a secular music station. She refuses an offer to take her to church or even hold church in her home. She never opens a Bible, but reads the liberal, atheist run, Charleston Gazette seven days a week. I guess I am not irritated by this lady. I am actually saddened and have tried to reach her for Christ.
I have witnessed to a Navy buddy for 40 years. Finally he is going to church, but I wonder if he is born again. Time will tell. Religion only results in a righteous ride to hell.
Good people (and lately far too many evangelicals) who focus on feeding and clothing the poor to the exclusion of meeting spiritual needs of those to whom they minister. Fundamentalist Christians have helped millions (more likely billions) since Jesus was resurrected. The Union Mission's original motto had it right: SOAP, SOUP, and SALVATION. Without salvation, all that is accomplished is clean well-fed people heading for hell.

Praying for the salvation of others—especially politicians. If that is scriptural—I’d like to see the verse. Romans 10:1 (Paul’s reference to praying for the salvation of Israel) in context is not sufficient. Born again believers should pray for God to sent spiritual conviction for their sinful condition. Salvation is a gift that God allows us to accept or reject. If a “praying mother” can get someone saved, why can’t ten praying grandmothers convert the powerful politician who advocates abortion and sodomite abomination? This practice only provides false hope and a reason why a person doesn’t witness about the need to be saved. It is scriptural to pray for healing, strength, comfort, wisdom, and guidance for others. The prayers for wisdom and guidance apply especially to those in authority. It is also scriptural to pray for God to bring swift judgment on the wicked. Psalms 59: 5 (KJB) is just one example. Look up “Imprecatory Psalms.”
The Shack. Anyone deceived enough to think that book is Christian should see this.

The Purpose Driven Life. Rick Warren and other popular preachers are leading the church into the end times One World Religion. See this (same link as for The Shack).
Women preachers are unscriptural. Any church pastored by a female is heading to extinction. The role of women in the local church is invaluable, but not as preachers or teachers of men. The fault lies with namby-pamby men who will not lead.


RELIGIOUS PEOPLE (including Atheists)

Jesus died. (Romans 5:8) Jesus was glorified. (John 13:31) Jesus will provide. (Philippians 4:19) Jesus will divide. (Matthew 7:21 - 7:23)
Once you perceive (your sin), then you must believe and receive Christ as Savior.
Send your sins and shortcomings to the Holy Spirit to sift and He will sustain your serious salvation.
Confess your crummy sins and profess Christ as Savior.
When you are sick of sin, seek your soul Savior.

The Bible tells us (II Thes. 2:3) that there will be a great falling away in the End Times. I predict it will be the “mega-church” multitudes” that missed the mark (Matt. 13:3-7)

Muslims naturally conceive bountiful babies and never concede bad beliefs.
Do atheists know everything? How can they know there is no God? Atheists worship themselves because they think their intellect is omnipotent.


My summary of Matthew 7:15 is deceivers are among the believers.

Only born-again Christians can come close to comprehending Christ's amazing Grace!

A non-Christian reading the Bible is like an average 10-year old reading a college calculus book. He can read the words, but he cannot comprehend the concepts or apply the algorithms.
“Atheists” do not like who God is so they reject him. That is as sensible as saying they don’t like my personality and ways so they say I do not exist. "Atheists" are the victims of the Santa Syndrome. When they discovered that Santa does not exist, it traumatized them. Connect that to the inmate tendency of everyone to want to be their own god and we have “atheism.” I put “atheists and atheism” in quotes because it is illogical. It assumes that atheists know everything and can know that God does not exist. Agnosticism is logical, but can be defeated with evidence and clear thinking. Ultimately, it all rests upon a “heart” rather than a “head” problem.
License does not equal liberty. In fact it is another brand of bondage. “ Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16 KJB
Christianity motivates music. Other religions make mandates and (for Muslims) murder.
People in the pews need to find a place to put their faith into practice.
America’s problem is in the pulpits. The “Clergy Project” website is devoted to closeted and out-of-it atheist preachers. Planned Parenthood has a “Clergy Advisory Board”. There is a “Clergy for Choice Network” website (The “choice” means choosing to kill babies.) The most devious of all do not have a website as far as I know. If they did it should be named "Compromising Clergy" or "Spineless Shepherds".
Why do we allow fools (The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Ps. 14:1a) to run our communities and our country?
Masons have misguided more men than the Mafia.
Hanoi Jane Fonda is a christian (small c). See more about Hanoi Jane in the article “The Common Thread”.
A guy who thinks rock singer Bono is serving Christ with his works based religion tried to compare Bono with Paul. He sent me a clip from an article: If we are truly to become like Paul, we must engage in studying every aspect of our culture….We have to systematically experience the culture to be informed of where God already is…We see God in places that we never thought he would be. Paul expected to find God in the pagan poets and in the Statue to the Unknown God. In our time there are millions of cultural truths that have yet to be connected with the depths of God.

I replied: Do you subscribe to Hustler (or whatever is the current popular porn)? Understanding various elements of culture is a different story. I understand the drug gangs. I don't participate in their lifestyles. The deception in articles like this is a perfect example of how Satan appears as an Angel of Light. It's OK to have a basic knowledge of things that are corrupting our culture so that we can engage in a conversation that quickly leads to a clear no nonsense Gospel message of "Ye must be born again ". The writer of the article below had satan guiding his mind to deceive those who want to compromise with the world. Paul did not join in with the pagans. He quickly got down to telling them bluntly what they needed to hear. See Acts 17:22-29 (KJB).
In June of 2011 I discovered that the Kanawha County Public Library was conducting a "Yoga for Kids" program is at six branches!. At one branch I found a 8.5 x 11 advertisement promentently displayed in a plastic stand on the main desk along with a pile of colorful leaflets featuring a yound child in a pose very much resembling the “Praying Hands” work of art. I wrote the library board explaining that the library was assisting in the indoctrination of children in a form of Hinduism. I included some excerpts from Yoga should be left out of schools and “Religion Established in Public Schools” at the same set of articles. I told them that I see no problem with an adult lecture format about yoga or any religion. To entice children into a stealth religion is wrong.

The library board’s response stated that the yoga program has been a practice of the KCPL since 2007 “because there is interest in it. And that the program is “completely voluntary, and parents must give permission and be present.” I wonder if permission would be granted if the library disclosed that yoga is a religious aspect of Hinduism. I urge you to make that clear on the form.

I sent another letter that said, “Since I assume that the KCPL does not want to be guilty of establishment of a particular religion, I will provide information about programs that would be widely popular with patrons of every branch. These programs are connected to the Christian religion, but the presenters would make sure that their program is not like a church service. Of course, unlike the yoga evangelists, these men would not use subterfuge. One (myself) of the men has in fact already provided programs at two KCPL branches.” I will post the response.

Also be sure to see the "The Common Thread Addendum”.
‘And the creationists have also shown irrefutably that those liberal and neo–orthodox Christians who regard the creation stories as myths or allegories are undermining the rest of Scripture, for if there was no Adam, there was no fall; and if there was no fall there was no hell; and if there was no hell, there was no need of Jesus as Second Adam and Incarnate Savior, crucified and risen. As a result, the whole biblical system of salvation collapses.’ [Mattill, A. J., Jr., ‘Three Cheers for the Creationists,’ Free Inquiry, vol. 2 (Spring 1982), p 17]
Guideposts magazine cons many good folks to believe it is Christian. Can you find any articles in Guideposts that proclaim Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation?
Masons do a lot of charitable and good work, but how do they honor Jesus? I know a man who has Masonic emblems on his belt, lapel, truck, and all over the place. I see no sign, except when he prays over a meal at a family gathering, that he has any interest in Jesus. Come to think of it, he never mentions the name “Jesus”--just a generic “Lord.”Once when I politely asked him why he does not go to church he cursed me. I noticed the obituaries of two of the men who were on the Board of Education during the Textbook War were Masons. There was nothing in their obituaries about what they did to honor Christ. The record of history records what they did to harm children. (See Matthew 18:6). Ask a Mason if all sincere religious people (such as Muslims) ae going to heaven. Ask a Mason who the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) is. I did, and he would not answer. I studied the two main Masonic books for myself and concluded that no born-again Christian can be a Mason. It is a pity that some pastors are part of the Masonic Lodge and some, who are not, still see no problem with church members who are Masons.  They are a spiritual cancer.

A fellow gave me some insightful information about the Masons along with his experience with Masons in his family. When he mistakenly thought I was going to use his name on posts to my email list he asked me not to. He said, “I do not need problems. Do not post my name. I am in business. They rule the court system. Have seen firsthand (how Masons can harm those who criticize them).”

Although Masons have held power in Kanawha County schools none have expressed disagreement with evolutionism (which denigrates their deity—The Great Architect of the Universe —unless the GAOTU created by evolution). Also, none have stood up to object to the blasphemy of Jesus Christ.

For more on Masons: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/mason1.htm and
. Also see the entry on Masonry at “The Common Thread.”
All atheists are righteous in their own eyes and as religious as any Bible believer.

Atheists are angry at a god in whom they do not believe. They seek to make a god in their own image. that is why atheists are so good at writing science fiction. Even in their imaginations there is good vs. evil and some superior being that is the hero. Ask an atheist to describe how they would have created whatever they wanted to create had he (the atheist) been God.

An honest atheist is an agnostic. An intelligent agnostic is a deist. A rational deist is a theist. A realistic theist is a creationist. An unrepentant creationist is a fool. A stubborn fool is a psychopath. A normal psychopath is an atheist.
(The way out is to get get saved.)
Hypocrites in the church. Anyone who uses that excuse is the ultimate hypocrite. There are hypocrites in all organizations. At least the church admits it is a place where sinners (most have had their sins forgiven) gather. See “Liberals” below.



Conservatives need to use weapons of mass instruction.
The Gutless Old Party needs to be allowed to become a 2nd or 3rd level party, or more accurately admit it is a wing of the Demoncrats.  Conservatives keep grabbing GOP crumbs when we should be growing our own wheat and baking our own bread.
Conservatives to the Republican Party are like battered women who keep coming back for a beating thinking it was an accident and the brute really loves them.
America’s only hope is to gain enough consistent Christian conservative citizens with convictions to counter the corruption.
I quit conservatism
in 10-2013.
Conservative commentators constantly croon for the conning GOP (Gutless Old Party).
Christians and conservatives who continue to be chummy with the GOP are either suckers, simpletons, sickos, or sissies
Talk show host, lovely Laura Ingram, is another compromised Catholic who seeks to salvage the Republicrite Party. She is just one of the boys (search “limbaugh” for more on that subject on this page).
Fiscal conservatives are like warriors that try to get over an enemy (liberal) castle wall by climbing a pole. Climbing the pole is difficult in itself, but when the enemy pours slimy-grease on the pole—success is impossible. True conservatives use a ladder. One of the uprights is social justice and the other is moral standards. Even covered with liberal slime the ladder can be climbed.
Friends: We can fuss and fight over political points, but the fact is that our priority should be to finish firmly and Rescue the Perishing. See: Get Saved and Exodus Mandate-WV.
During a brief check of the Glenn Beck radio show (12-3-12 or thereabouts) ) I heard his usual incessant insertion of “like” into sentences where it has absolutely no logical use. He sounded worse than a teeny-bopper. But, what really was a Bug in My Ear was the peppering of his comments with the word “hell” and he was not using it as a noun or adjective.
Rush Limbaugh said that to “recapture the country” conservatives “are going to have to recapture the public education of this country.” (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/11/15/the_long_game_to_recapture_the_country) Notice he said "recapture", not "abandon". The system will never be recaptured because we never really owned it. It was built upon sewer sand and only had a token and temporary Tidy Bowl. Limbaugh will never call for the obvious need to have a
mass exodus from government indoctrination centers
Most conservative leaders are useful idiots for the liberals. They fuss and fret over the condition of America (such as the fact that there were enough foolish voters to elect Obama), but they do not comprehend that is the symptom of the disease which is government schooled children. I fear that those conservative leaders will not wake up until the disease has progressed so far that it is terminal.
Organizations that seize an inordinate injustice or sordid sin in order to increase their mailing list and donations. A young man was harassed by sodomite activists for writing a piece against sodomite adoption. Instead of calling for parents to Rescue Their Children at least one ministry called for an “open letter of outrage” to be signed by 50,000 people.

Regarding my book, the abhorrence and cluelessness from “freethinkers” was easy to forecast, but the fear and ignorance in Christian and conservative community is confounding.
In my opinion the only difference in Demoncrats and Repubocrites is that the Demoncrats will destroy America faster. It's like pulling off a band aide quickly or slowly. Both open the sore. Here are some thoughts (with which I totally agree from a friend—Teno):


Settling for the lesser evil is exactly why we keep getting worse and worse candidates. If we will settle for someone who appears just one step to the right of liberal Democrats, that's all the Republicans will ever offer us. We will NEVER get any better if we continue to support lesser evils.

We're accountable for whom we vote, not for who wins. The results are up to God; our job is to DO RIGHT.

Every vote for a godly candidate is a vote for a godly candidate, no matter who wins.

If you vote for pseudo-conservative then YOU are responsible for purposely voting them into office. If you vote for a godly candidate you are responsible for supporting a godly candidate, no matter who wins.

We don't even have to have our candidate win to accomplish much importance. All that's needed is for Christians to stop throwing away their votes on lukewarm frauds and vote only for godly candidates. That's what will make those parties viable. If Christians stop voting for moderate/liberal fakers, the 3rd party candidates would get enough votes to at least force the GOP to run honest conservatives if they want to win. The problem is simply that Christians won't stand for righteousness. They want to support a "winner", even if that winner is 75% liberal. So long as the other guy is 90% liberal, they think they're doing well.

If Republicans were the answer, America should be a virtual Eden by now. See http://www.insectman.us/articles/karls/political-bugs.htm.

That's not to say Democrats are the answer, but they are at least honest about being liberals and socialistic. The GOP has had plenty of chances, but there are not enough truly conservative Republicans.

If you vote for a pseudo-conservative you actually have voted for a loser. Christians have gotten so far away from God's word that they no longer have a clue of what winning and losing is. Winning is doing RIGHT, no matter what. Compromise is LOSING.

I'm not concerned with being a majority. I'm concerned with being RIGHT. I'd rather be in the minority and be RIGHT. I'd rather vote for a godly "loser" than an ungodly "winner".

We need to SPEAK UP and vote for politicians who will not compromise. I'd rather vote for a loser than vote for a winner who won't deliver on why I voted for him.

Democrats and Republicans are two wings of a bird flying the WRONG way!

See http://www.insectman.us/articles/karls/political-bugs.htm.
My article, “The Tea Party Two Step” was censored by Tea Party Nation (which is a front for the mainline Republicrite establishment). One can put frills and lace on a pig and the pig will still smell like a pig. Censorship, no matter how it is construed, still stinks. I welcome disagreement with my point of view and I do not mind criticism of my book. That is FREE SPEECH. To banish the mentioning of my book is CENSORSHIP. I have always said that liberals are more dangerous to America than are terrorists. Now, I say that the number one concern of Americans should be compromising conservatives—especially members of the clergy. Compromising conservatives in leadership positions are leading citizen lemmings to a loss in the political battles they place above rescuing their children! The number one danger to America are pathetic puerile pastors. They are not normally conservatives. See more about them under “Christians.”
When Judson Means published his dad’s (Don’s) book (War in Kanawha County) the only pseudonyms (other than that of the author which was not a secret) were used for a banker and his wife—Mr. and Mrs. Banks. With some research, I found out the following.

Don had used their names when he wrote his book. One of them (the banker couple) asked Judson not to use their real names because of their connection to the Republican (I call it Republicrite) Party. It wasn’t difficult to identify the couple because the book states that the husband was the senior vice president of a local bank. The book used the real name of the bank.

I could identify the couple, but will not. They are ashamed of being identified with the textbook protesters. Their names do not deserve to be listed in the Proud Protester Hall of Fame. Whatever great things the couple did in 1974 for children and our country will only be identified with the non-existent Mr. and Mrs. Banks.

Speaking of conservative hypocrites brings up groups like the Heritage Foundation and other conservative organizations including the national and local Tea Party groups. The Heritage Foundation is bald-faced ashamed of its roots in the Textbook War. The other groups (try to name a group I have not contacted) and individuals like Limbaugh (try to name a prominent personality I have not contacted) just do not get it. Contemporary conservatives are likely going to lose because they will make mistakes that our (protesters’) experience could prevent. More importantly, they continue to let the enemy educate their children! That is beyond foolish!!

Then there are fake friends of Bible believing Christians like Pete Thaw.
The only conservative AND Christian ministry I know that is not ashamed of the Textbook Protesters and who understands the way to win the cultural war is Exodus Mandate. After you give to your local Bible believing church, Exodus Mandate deserves any spare change. A nickel to a political party or any other conservative group is not wisely invested.

Note: There are some worthy biblically solid missionaries on this list who deserve support too.
The first modern Tea Partiers proved that conservatives cannot compromise with liberals because liberals are liars. Compromise leads to confusion which ends in collapse.

The Corps of ’74 will echo for evermore!

Today’s Tea Partiers had better take heed!

No matter how many political gains or wins are made in the next couple of years it will all be for naught if we leave our children in government schools.

Government schools are brainwash centers and their effectiveness is apparent to all who are not willingly blind.

We can win everything and lose it all! If we do not win the hearts and minds of the next generation—it is all a waste!! We must rescue our children!!!
Many Christians think the multiple-married muddled-Methodist Rush Limbaugh is near sainthood. The guy is a talented conservative, but (from what I can see) he is ashamed of the Gospel. He is just another Bug in my Ear. Speaking of Talk Show hosts, Neal Boortz, the epitome of an Episcopalian, is a baby killing evolutionist (due to his libertarian leanings). Sean Hannity is a confused Catholic. Glenn Beck is a lost Later Day Saint.
Dennis Prager is a juggled Jew. Michael Savage has ravaged his Jewish heritage. All of them counsel conservatives, but may God have mercy if we put too much stock in the leadership of those misled men. (Boycott Boortz, Flush Rush, Suspect Beck, Bandage Savage, and Handle Hannity Carefully.) Mark Levin, a lawyer, is likely the most laudable and may lead the lost league. (Beck is the most dangerous of all. He mixes god talk, kumbaya, and New Age doctrine with his conservative politics.)

The Tom Roten Show is the best talk radio anywhere. Click “On Demand”.
FOX News is the “fox in the hen house.” Besides supporting evolutionism, FOX has prominent personalities that pull their punches. I heard Sean Hannity arguing with a caller who wanted to call liberals "enemies." The caller was correct. FOX does not realize that the greatest danger to America is not terrorists or communists--it is levobortomites ((lev oh bor' tow mite) noun. Anyone who believes and/or promotes left wing extremism, evolutionism, abortion, and/or anti-family activities such as sodomite marriage.  These people are not limited to any particular political party.  The United States is being destroyed from within.  It is like a huge oak tree that is infested with insects.  For years it looks healthy and then signs of decay start.  Eventually the little pests destroy the oak. In 1974 a group of West Virginians sounded the alarm, "THE LIBERALS ARE COMING!"
Compromising conservatives (the “muddled middle”) are more lethal to traditional American values than loony liberals. Liberals do their damage swiftly and you can see it coming. Compromising conservatives cause societal decay slowly and with (perhaps unintentional—but just as deadly) stealth.
They deserve a prominent place of disgrace.
Current conservatives have forgotten the Christian folks who laid the foundation for the modern conservative movement.

I have been sailing on the Tea Party ship since 1974. Today’s Tea Partiers regulate us old salts to the boiler room or even the bilges. We ‘74ers saw what compromise (even with the best of intentions) leads to. It got us and (IMHO not because they had good intentions) it got the 1990’s conservatives who launched on our backs. If today’s Tea Partiers don’t learn from (and be inspired from) the folks who held the first modern Tea Party the movement is doomed to failure. Tea Partiers of 2011 and beyond should learn from and be inspired by those who courageously rose in rebellion in 1974

Liberals learned the importance of 1974.  Either today's conservatives are too dumb to understand (having mostly been educated in government schools) or, more likely, they are ashamed of us (most likely due to the immense amount of propaganda).



Parents and pastors: Please proclaim that public schools are perfidious and perilous.
The point has been powerfully proved: public schools are pathetic. Their academics are awful. The money misuse is massive. There is definitely danger there. There is much molestation. More importantly, there is stringent spiritual spoilation.
Books can corrupt or challenge kids. Books can incite kids to war or give kids insight into peace.
Homeschoolers have super successfully schooled at home since they started.
The leftist-liberal universities are producing leftist-liberal graduates who teach our children leftist-liberal dogma. We must rescue our children.
The school system continues to fail, teachers constantly flail, money keeps on flowing, and (sadly) Christians follow the pathetic piper.
Liberalism is evil! See http://www.insectman.us/misc/liberalism-is-evil.htm yet we sacrifice our precious children to liberals for indoctrination! Woe be to us. Jesus said it well: “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:2)

Education and creation are integrally intertwined.

The inadequacy of Sunday School compared to Monday-Friday School needs to sink into the minds and hearts of parents and pastors.

I have long called for folks to Rescue our Children! Leaving them in government schools is like leaving a child in the ocean with sharks. Giving him an officially approved life jacket won’t save him. Shouting encouragement from the shore won’t save him. Making sure he had adequate (or superb) swimming lessons won’t save him. All of those things can keep him afloat for a few minutes. The ONLY way to save him is to pull him out!
Accurate names for the “Public” School System (not coined by me):
Government Fool System
Public Sewer System

All government schools want more money.  That only makes nicer looking buildings and better paid staff.  It is like putting cake icing on rat poison.  Inside the schools are still academically deficient, physically dangerous, and morally depraved.
Charter Schools are just government schools on a little longer leash.

Everyone knows the 3 R’s of academia. The 3 R’s for America are Repent, Remove (get the children out of government schools) and Revival.
Push your children. Do not press them. Pushing encourages while pressing discourages.
The education of our children is obviously important to liberals but conservatives (especially Christians) seem oblivious to the situation. IndoctriNation disclosed the danger.
Christian children CANNOT be “salt and light” in government schools. They cannot illuminate the loathsome lies with their little lights and their sprinkling of salt cannot season sewage.


Salt and Light? It has been over 12 years since I (as a teacher) saw my first middle school (grades 6-8) dance. Teachers had to constantly patrol the dim dance floor to stop inappropriate behavior. Couple that with what I KNOW went on during the regular school day and there is NO QUESTION that the ones who are influenced are the Christian kids. Their salt is damp and their light is dim.
A question for Bible believing parents: If atheists will not let you teach their children for 5 minutes a weeks, why do you let them have your children for 5 days a week?
Anyone who thinks their school is safe is intentionally ignorant! After I spoke at a church in north-central West Virginia public school teacher claimed that my warnings did not apply to their rural system. Within a few months the news headlines reported a case of sex abuse by a teacher in that area. See the 8-6-2007 headline in WV School News. It was not an isolated case as proven by the 2-28 and 3-26-2009 headlines as well as the 6-6-2011 headline. I am positive that there is much more that did not make the news. The message I delivered can be read at " We Must Get Our Children Out!" and heard at "Rescue Our Children!!!".
A conservative group solicited money to send a booklet about religious freedom to thousands of public schools. At best that would be a major waste of precious time, money, and effort. If a child fell into a cesspool would we throw them a roll of paper towels? The focus should be on getting Christian children out of government school cesspools.Then we can determine how to help those children that remain in the cesspool for whatever reason. At worse, the solicitation was just a fund raising gimmick.
While serving with Exodus Mandate I have observed that there are many mothers more interested in soap operas and their social lives than they are the souls of their children. That’s why they jump for joy when school is open.

Homeschool and Christian school parents not being evangelical about Christian education is like Christians sitting inside church and never wanting to present the life-changing Gospel to their sin-sick and hell bound neighbors.

One time I sat in on an Introduction to Homeschooling hosted by a homeschool group. The hosts were very cordial, but made it clear that they did not want to “bash” public schools. That is too bad because parents with children in “public” (i.e. “government) schools (as well as parents who have rescued their children) need to hear that message. It is like the preaching only "Jesus loves everyone" to the exclusion of "There is a real hell and you are headed there." The meeting that I observed was about a sweet alternative without mentioning the serious imperative. Without the latter, those who waver can easily find an excuse for not leaving (or worse—going back) to government schools. Homeschoolers (and Christian schoolers) need to become concerned about rescuing other children. The more that leave government schools, the better it will be for those children and our country. I encourage any group or school to host meetings that include the benefits of Christian education and allowing me at least five minutes to proclaim the facts about what they think are not-too-bad “public” schools.

One point that I was able to make during the session was that it doesn’t take a college degree to teach. My grandson just completed a year in the K3 program at South Charleston Christian Academy. He also received some homeschooling from me. Even without my efforts my grandson received an excellent K3 education from a lady lacking a state sanctioned degree, but having a God given desire to teach children.

My website has alarming facts, helpful links, and answers to questions. It is a one-stop-shop for getting started in Christian education.

Christian homeschooling is the best way for children to be educated. That said, it is far better to have a child in a biblically based Christian school than in any government school. My focus is to rescue children from the government school Titanic. If the children cannot be placed in the safety of a ship (homeschool) then a good lifeboat (Christian school) is better than sinking spiritually to the bottom. An excellent way to serve children is a University School concept that combines both home and Christian schooling.
Giving time, talent, and treasure to help starving children in Africa is fine, but we need to put a priority on helping the spiritually starving children in America. See “Can You Spare Some Change?”

These people understand the value of public education.
See atheists’ own condemning words!
Why are not retired Christian teachers becoming involved with homeschool co-ops and Christian schools? Could it be $$$$$$$$?
Parents who send their children to public schools are either uniformed, misinformed, or their thinking is deformed.
As a perfect example of public (i.e. government) schools Kanawha County has slid down the slope from 1974 Textbook War to the 2000 obvious obscenity to blatant blasphemy in 2010.

Parents give up their rights when they drop off the children at public school. , says Federal District Judge Melinda Harmon ruling against parents suing a Texas school district. Their son was questioned by Child Protection Specialists (CPS) without their knowledge or consent. Their son was strip searched by a female worker looking for signs of paddling. Wall Street Journal 10/8/96.
The teacher union’s Legislative Program for 2010 (and it has been similar for many years) attacked homeschooling and calls for public schools to teach globalism, environmentalism, gender identification, sexual orientation (i.e. pro-sodomy), gun control, pro-United Nations, and programs for children beginning at birth. The “E” in NEA must stand for “EVIL”. As a retired public school teacher with over 30 years experience (including 4 as a principal) who formerly was an aggressive member (picket captain during West Virginia's only teacher strike) of the NEA/AFT for over 20 years, I strongly believe the teacher unions are contributing to the ruination of the United States of America. For more on the subject, go to the HOME page and search “teacher union.”
Some of my ancestors needed union help during the Coal Mine Wars. Now unions are useless except for helping liberals bring down America. I saw firsthand how liberals use union thugs when I served with a group of military vets who sought to keep traitor John Kerry from becoming president in 2004 (see below). Be sure to see “Hold the Line”.
Homeschoolers who condemn me for criticizing the government school system. That’s like telling a former alcoholic not to condemn demon rum. Those folks are content to let other people’s children be subjected to the evils of government schools without even a warning.
West Virginia teachers (especially Christians) who have failed to take advantage of the rights I won (or clarified) in the battles against evolutionism. They exhibit a combination of cowardice and compromise.
ADHD stands for “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” but in my experience (34 years as an educator) it could also stand for Absent Dad in the Home Disorder.”
Thanks to the 1974 Kanawha County (WV) textbook protesters, American Christians began an exodus out of Pharaoh’s schools in 1974. Now we are at a place comparable to what the Children of Israel faced when confronted by the Red Sea. Our decision about which way to move will determine the final destiny of America’s children.

Whatever victories won by reforming government schools will need to be monitored beyond the capacity of hundreds of volunteers per school district.

Liberals will quickly take back any lost ground and they will not hesitate to do it in an under-handed manner while your group operates honestly and ethically.

Once Christian children are rescued (that should be where we spend time and money) we can begin to try to help those children who are left behind.



God’s favor is decreased if you believe the fable of Darwinism.
The creation cries out that Christ is the Creator!
Pick any of the Creator’s creatures, Google it, and give God the Glory for His genius.
Darwinism=Devil’s DECEPTION
Evolutionism is not logical. It is pathological.
From the miniscule microbe to the mightiest mammal, all creatures cry “CREATED!”
Too much of science is now “scientism” which has its saints such as Darwin and its clerics such as Dawkins. It's dogmas are based upon evolutionism and anyone who does not fanatically follow is ex-communicated or severely punished by an intellectual inquisition.
Delusional Darwin disciples deny the Devil’s deception of their dogma.
Insects are incredible examples of extreme ingenuity. See http://www.insectman.us/articles/karls/thank-god.htm
True Believers in the religion of Evolutionism (TBEs) have their clergy (fanatical or compromised scientists) who excommunicate any scientists who dare to doubt St. Darwin.
From microbes to mammoths, all of creation points to a Creator.
Any rational person that looks at a Teddy Bear knows it is designed. It takes an irrational person to look at a real bear and say it was not designed. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Psalms 14:1

The term “evolutionary biology” is like saying “lucky programming”.

True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) rely on speculation, imagination, and hallucination.

Bacteria rule, but insects are cool and both bug evolutionism!

The probability of a single cell being the ancestor of all life is far less than the probability of tossing the pages of Webster’s dictionary unto a Walmart parking lot and having the wind blow them into a trash can in numerical order with page 1 on top.
If you can believe something came from nothing and resulted in all of the complexity of life, then you can believe that chromosomes do not determine gender; that pre-born babies have less value than chimps; and the earth is in danger due to human activities. Likewise you can believe that atrocities committed by atheists over the course of history do not far exceed anything done by those claiming to be Christians. You can then put humans (such as Darwin and Dawkins) on pedestals and worship the images.

Take a moment.  I took a moment to look closely (eye about 1 inch away) at the newly emerged blossom on a plum tree.  It is exquisitely extraordinary.  I urge you to take a moment and look closely at God's creation.

Evolutionists are also IDers.  IMAGINATIVE DECEIT

True Believers in Evolutionism use sneaky comical methods to propagandize children.

True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) must use immense imagination and have disproportionate dedication to defend Darwinian dogma.


Darwinism ranges from dumb to devilish.
I used to criticize evolution as nonscience. Now I condemn it as nonsense.

When I hear/read True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) present “proof” of evolution I hear Twilight Zone music playing.

There is another dimension beyond that which is known to humanity. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and dark, between sanity and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fear of God and the summit of his understanding. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call Evolutionism. (apology to Rod Sterling)

Beam me up Scotty!

Do di do do, do di do do Do di do do, do di do do Do di do do, do di do do  
All True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) have are millions and millions of years and massive monumental imaginations. The former relies upon the latter.
The silliness of evolutionism is shown by their inability to realistically explain sex. Insects substantiate that statement!

Mother Jones magazine got in a tizzy and published “ This Fish Crawled Out of the Water…and Into Creationists' Nightmares” (4-11-14). I posted my usual “Evolution is more impossible than the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Headless Horseman. See http://www.lifescienceprize.org/ for a list of bluffing evolutionists.” That stirred up a hornet’s nest! I exchanged comments for a while. The evolutionism fanatics frantically searched the Net for personal flaws in me. The usual insults about my intelligence flowed. I had hurt their heroes—Dawkins et al.—with the Life Science Prize link. Also, I provided some links to articles like BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!. Those created quite a buzz. After I rebutted the VERY BEST proofs of evolution from one of the True Believers in Evolutionism (TBIE), I dropped out, but the comments kept coming. The fish link is faulty as explained at http://creation.com/tiktaalik-roseae-a-fishy-missing-link  and http://www.examiner.com/article/tiktaalik-dethroning-still-shocking  (note the dates). Darwinian Disciple, Dr. Neil Shubin, is now Debate Dodger #189.
Creation science is calibration, observation, and verification. Evolutionism nonscience is hallucination, fabrication, and sensation.
The best, baldest, and brightest Defenders of Darwinism and Expounders on Evolutionism are exposed as lame silly by the Life Science Prize.

“Evolutionary” should ALWAYS be attached to “imaginary” as in “imaginary evolutionary”.

Enthusiastic evolutionists are extremely intelligent egotistical ignoramuses.

Besides “levobortomite” (see above) I coined these apropos acronyms:

AWAW Atheist Whackos at Work

ALE Aggressive Left-leaning Evolutionist 

BS Bunk Speculation (What it takes to write an article or paper about evolution.)

EIEIO HOF Evolutionist Idiotic Egotistical Inane Oafish Hall of Fame

TE-PE  What Hugh Ross believes is really a theistic evolutionism (TE) version of punctuated equilibrium (PE).

Evolutionists, along with their enormous egos, have immense imaginations. Their “just so” stories make Kipling look like an amateur in the fantasy genre. Devoid of any spiritual sensibility Darwin’s Disciples become desperate. There you will red of Daffy Dawkins, Silly Sagan, & Crazy Crick.

Scientists are shackled with an edict to refer to “evolution” in their endeavors. Not only is evolutionism a BIG LIE—it is also a serious scam. References to evolution (and natural selection) can be easily omitted from an article and not change anything. In some cases the substitution of the word “design” (or a derivative) is necessary to keep from greatly changing a sentence. <<The Lie, squash NS, helping evos Read this LOL statement that is the epitome of evolutionism: "Nature has been designing the world for billions of years. Since the dawn of time, nature has been working hard, engineering everyone and everything to the highest standards on Earth.  Since the dawn of time, nature has been working hard, engineering everyone and everything to the highest standards on Earth." (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15480620)

Quotes I carry in my billfold:

“A frog turning into a prince instantly is a fairy tale. A frog turning into a prince over millions of years is evolution.” (source unknown but likely Morris, Hovind or Ham) I add: The first works with a kiss; the second works by kissing logic and science goodbye.

“The doctors that killed George Washington were educated, sincere, and wrong.” (Kent Hovind)
Here is an analogy of how evolutionists argue:

“The game of baseball consists of 18 players.”

Who can argue with that? They say nothing about how baseball came to be. The reality is that baseball was designed by an intelligent mind. There are variations which are all controlled by the original design. Baseball will never evolve into football!
A real conversation stopper: “Please tell me the best proof you have for evolution.”

Defund all research that uses the word “evolution”. That will prove the term is not needed for real science research and will eliminate useless projects. Scientists do not really believe in evolution as proven by the late Francis Crick.
Darwin was a great specimen collector, spurious experimenter, and humongous hallucinator.

The falsely named “National Center for Science Education” (should be “National Center for Schizophrenic Evolutionism”) and the laughable “Talk Origins” tried to denounce the Life Science Prize but succeeded only in doing more dancing and dodging. Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo remains the big dog patrolling the porch while the best evolutionists are little pups yelping in the yard.
There is a thin line between being comical and pathetic. Evolutionists travel back and forth across that line. In order to defend the impossible and illogical evolutionists say some of the darnedest things. Their belief is more dinging than believing in the “Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, or the Headless Horseman” (Joseph Mastropaolo).

Observations and conversations have convinced me that Darwinists are deceived and deceptive as they evangelize for evolutionism.
Evolutionists should try to travel on the Truth Trail.

Counting the organization memberships there are well over 100K Debate Dodgers. Surely they could easily chip in a few bucks to get a team, pay their $10, 000, all expenses (including travel and hotel) , and even hook them all up with electronic communication to use during the trail.

The dodge about vagueness is just like a bully kid saying, "My mommy won't let me fight." When someone finally stands up to him, they are sissy cowards. If I thought I could win a contest and was mocked like I mock them I would work a double shift to get the entry fee and save my dignity.
We have the Life Science Prize to expose hardcore true believers in evolutionism many of whom spend their lives posting hot air on the Internet. Sometimes I post a "needle" on a website (particularly YouTube) just to pester them. I don't bother to read their follow-up comments because I know they are going to be hate (and often profanity) filled.

Those reprobates are not going to change. Creationists should be concerned with those who have not yet hardened their hearts. People can do simple math and determine that 1000 fools (The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Ps. 14:1a) that could chip in ten bucks and get Dr. Mastropaolo's $10K---IF THEY HAD ANY REAL SCIENCE. Note--the problem is a "heart" not a "head" problem.

Creationists need to face the fact that most devoted Darwinists have been given over to reprobate minds and are willingly ignorant.

And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. Romans 1:28

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: II Peter 3:5

The people in that predicament are few.

Creationists should focus is on the many--those who are still in touch with reality, but brain-washed by government schooling and pantywaist preachers.
In the spring of 2011 I went with Bible Greg while he preached on the campus of West Virginia State University. One of my former middle school students (now in her 20's) approached me to say "hi" and related the following (an exact quote): "Mr. Priest, you always told us that we could believe what we wanted to, but if we believed in evolution we had to accept the fact that our great, great however many grandfather was a worm." I was more happy to hear that than, "You were a great math teacher." Not bragging--just reporting. Praise the Creator!
I have never felt comfortable around liars. As the saying goes—you know a thief is going to steal, but you never know if a liar is telling the truth. Of course, some folks equate lying and stealing as the same and they have a good point. People who teach and/or preach evolutionism are liars and they steal the truth from others. There are four reasons why society needs to be concerned about the LIE of evolutionism. (1) Evolutionism wastes millions (probably billions) of dollars annually from real scientific research. That alone, to most people, is sufficient to eliminate anything to do with evolutionism from using public money. (2) Teaching evolutionism dumbs down science education and wastes valuable classroom time. (3) Evolutionism, when taught in public schools, is a violation of the United States Constitution by establishing atheism as the state religion. (4) This is the one that really gets my dander up. Evolutionism harms innocent children academically, emotionally, and (most importantly) spiritually. That is why I help expose fanatical evolutionists.
Darwinism is dumb.
True believers in evolutionism have a HEART, not a HEAD, problem.
When the world-renowned expert on the bombardier beetle die (March 25, 2011) the NY times ran an article that featured the man’s brag that he did not believe in God and had refuted creationists claims that the bombardier could not have evolved. All the guy did was speculate and hallucinate a series of steps using some examples of similar beetles.  His attempt to ignore the Creator is similar to a gag I use where I line up pieces of metal and items from my toolbox to "proof" the evolution of a hinge. Now he is a creationist, but like his beloved Darwin, it’s too late. On the “Articles” page I have several articles on the bombardier including this one.



Ask God to bless those who love America and distress all others.
There are five facts folks fond of freedom must face.
1. The main enemy is liberalism.  See http://www.insectman.us/misc/liberalism-is-evil.htm
2. The battle front is for the hearts and minds of our children.  See http://www.insectman.us/exodus-mandate-wv/index.htm
3. Republicans are not the answer.  See http://www.insectman.us/articles/karls/political-bugs.htm
4. We must learn from the folks that fired the first shot in the Culture War.  See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf5E0MQC8M0
5. No matter how many political battles are won it will be useless without being saved.  See http://www.insectman.us/getsaved.htm

Liberals cover up liberal crimes and make up conservative crimes.

Conservatives are pragmatists. Liberals are ideologues.

The Mainstream Mudia is a tool of the Demoncrat party. (There are no typos in the preceding sentence.)
Our Country’s kindness, without common sense, will kill us.
Listen to leaders with perception and follow leaders prudently because all leaders can be pernicious.
The demonic Democrats have done more darn damage than any foreign force.
Public servants with political power should rule righteously.
My political position: “For the kingdom is the Lord’s:  and he is the governor among the nations.” Ps. 22:28

If you want to vote for a moderate (i.e. watered-down”) Democrat, vote Republican. See “Political Bugs”.
BObama is more incompetent than Carter and more corrupt than Clinton.
Calling congressmen is a con job. If a congressman will only be moved to do the right thing based upon his fear of not being reelected he should never have been elected.
Pathetic politicians rule like jackals because and pansy pastors refuse to judge what is evil.
Responsible and rational people can perceive that the Republicrite Party will not rescue America!
A major difference between Demoncrats and Republicrites (others are mentioned elsewhere on this page and in “Political Bugs”, “Anybody is Worse than Obama”, and “A Wolf by any Name is Still a Wolf”) is that Demoncrats have sincere convictions and will fiercely fight to defend those convictions.
After the 2012 election the GOP (Goofy Old Party) frantically searched for reasons why they got whipped. The excuses were pathetic, but one purported idea was to abandon “social” issues—i.e. abortion and traditional marriage protection. I wish they would abandon the sham that fools people into thinking they really object to baby killing and sodomite marriage. They would quickly become a weak third (or lower) party and conservatives can carry on the campaign that Republicrite leaders falsely confess is important. See “A Wolf by any Name is Still a Wolf”. While I am on the subject, about the same time news broke about a GOP Congressman from a conservative district in Tennessee confessed that he had allowed a woman he was shacked-up with to have two abortions and urged a woman he was committing adultery with to have an abortion. He claimed to be pro-life. (http://www.chron.com/news/politics/article/Tenn-GOP-congressman-s-ex-wife-had-2-abortions-4040986.php)

An honest concession speech should read: “I do not congratulate my opponent. I presented a stark contrast of values and the voters choose his. I will pray that my opponent’s policies fail.”
Libertarians are either lost liberals or confused conservatives. See “A Wolf By Any Name Is Still a Wolf”.
I still wonder whay a 50% black 50% white man is called "America's first black president." Alan Keyes is my man.
See Joe Manchin under BABY KILLING and Al Gore under LIBERALS.

I snicker at the predicament of liberalism but I do not gloat over the personal fall of anyone. In June of 2011 a typical hypocritical liberal (a NY Congressman) got caught in sex sin and proceeded to pile on lies to try to hide. He is one of many politicians (including conservatives) caught up in scandals involving money and/or sex. All humans are prone to sin in seeking money. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (I Timothy 6:10) Every man (including me) has committed sex sins including adultery. But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Matthew 5:28) If I could have a man-to-man with the pitiful politicians I would focus on their only solution.
Politicians (I include lawyers here because many politicians are lawyers. There should be a law against tort lawyers) tempt me to believe humans actually descended from insects (evolutionists believe it). Republican Shelly Moore Capito spouts that she is pro-life. I found it odd that her office is nearly next door to a Charleston abortuary yet none of her staff offered a drink to some pro-life protestors during a horribly hot summer day. Also, for political reasons, Mrs. Capito refused to send a letter verifying that my son (who was in serious trouble) had adequately performed her lawn care. If homosexuality (sodomy) is such a nice thing why did Senators Byrd and Rockefeller refuse to answer this question: “Is anal intercourse normal and healthy?”
The Mindless Masses are uninformed and willing to let the politicians make decisions for them.
Democrats (i.e. “Demoncrats”) are not what my father was. They have sold out to liberals. Any Christian who remains a Democrat is in serious spiritual trouble. Republicans (i.e. Republicrites”) are just the flip-side of Democrats because Republicans have compromised with liberals. See my article “Political Bugs.”
Speaking of politics, how about some common sense in Congress? In no particular order: do away with the Department of Education; fix a flat tax; eradicate earmarks; block the borders; win wars; two words—TERM LIMITS; welfare is a wreck—workfare is a winner.
Obama (bo) would rather kill babies than terrorists. He could not avoid getting a few of them—especially Osama. Mainly bo is destroying the military. Just study what happened to the homosexual warrior nation of Sparta.



Liberals cannot win the correct way so they weasel the corrupt way.
The problem with America is not racism. The problem with America is liberalism.
Liberals truly think they are victims, but they actually are vociferous, violent, and vile.
Liberals use their skin, sin, and spin to try to squelch the scope of speech.
Liberalism tears up all that it touches.
The liberal leaning of the malevolent media destroys democracy.
Liberals are hateful, hysterical, hypocritical, and hell bound.
I pity the puppets partaking of propaganda put out by pathetic lying liberal prevaricators.
Liberals = mad. Conservatives = glad.
Liberals deserve compliments for their concern for the homeless and criticism for their callousness for butchered babies.
I pity the puppets partaking of propaganda put out by pathetic lying liberal prevaricators.
Liberals post petty put-downs that don’t prove their premises.

Learn about the loathsome liberal vicious treatment of some military vets.
Liberals have been slowly sickening society since the sixties. We must purge the poison.

The hate filled habits of unhappy heathen liberals cause a hellacious society.
If liberals are serious about racism, they will remove all things named after Robert Byrd who was a KKK leader and said he would “would never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side” and that he would rather “die a thousand times…than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.”
First, liberals will go after our guns. If they get the guns, they will grab our vehicles (to save the earth). Finally, liberals will ban our Bibles.
Health, happiness, and harmony are hated by the Left.
Compromising Christians are like leprosy, but liberals are the most dangerous threat to America. Communists are like poisonous snakes. Muslims are like rabid dogs. Liberals are like lethal cancer. Liberalism is evil! See http://www.insectman.us/misc/liberalism-is-evil.htm (The article is “living” and is updated as links and leads arrive. It contains a wealth of wisdom from many Right-thinkers.)
Liberals don’t believe in free speech and they have plenty of hurtful and hateful speech.
Liberals are always ready to have ranting rallies.
Liberals/Socialists are ludicrous/stupid. They rant about rich people and corporations, but miss the fact that there are the very rich on the left.
True classical liberals are good folks. Now, they are nearly extinct due to physical or intellectual deaths.
The problem with liberals is not philosophical, it is religious. Liberals have no objective basis for their morality. Liberals deify themselves and worship the earth.
After the dummies destroy all Confederate statues, the demons will destroy all church steeples.

Liberalism has no limits on lunacy. Liberal lunacy is unlimited. 

Liberal low-lifes hurt humanity.

I often comment on Internet news articles and am inundated with vicious replies from liberals. Those platforms provide outlets for sissy boys to vent their frustrations for their miserable lives. As a group, liberals are vile, vindictive, vicious people who are not happy with life.

I am sick of loony liberals calling normal people "racists" and various words ending with "phobes".  The terms do not fit.  However, "liberals are hypocrites" is a phrase that fits perfectly to describe liberals.

Almost all liberals are True Believers in Evolutionism. I wonder why so many of them reject capitalism which is economic evolutionism—survival of the fittest.

Liberals must control the conversation because they cannot convince sensible citizens of liberal sensibility. Liberals will cut off, cuss out, and censor conservatives.

Liberals live in an unscientific and unrealistic world.

Liberals and God-haters ignore the realities of biology concerning evolutionism so it is not surprising they ignore biological reality concerning homosexuality and transvestitism.

Lost liberals love the satanic school system.

Non-political liberal cartoonists who leak loony liberalism into their cartoons.

Ludicrous liberalism compels us to confess craziness. If a man can mutilate himself and call himself a woman, why can’t people mutilate themselves and call themselves handicapped?
Loony liberals mixed with compromising conservatives is a bad batch.
If liberalism is compared to roach infestation then it must be eradicated.
Liberals are vindictive, vicious and vile.

Liberals hate corporations but are love corporation big money supporting liberal causes. Also, liberals have no problem with universities charging exorbitant tuitions.
Most Hollywood folks couldn’t make a decent living without their God-given talent or good looks. Look up the bios of the stars and see the sewers of most of their lives.
Using a liberal worldview for American foreign policy is astoundingly asinine.
Life is more logical through the Looking Glass of Alice than in Liberal Goofiness of America.
An abiding axiom: LIBERALS LIE.
Perpetual postulate: LIBERALS LACK LOGIC.
Watching censorship of the Pro-Life message reveals that liberals are dishonest and irrational.

Liberal logic is an oxymoron. They hate cigarette smoke, but love dope smoke. They see the havoc and heartache caused by alcohol and drug abuse, yet they push (pun intended) illicit drug legalization and are hunky-dory with glorification of booze use.

Liberals look at logic like a leech looks at calculus. It does not compute. Liberals literally live in La La Land.
Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., a forensic psychiatrist, explained liberalism in The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness . He said, “The modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities.” And “Despite all the evidence against it, the modern liberal mind believes his agenda is good social science. It is, in fact, bad science fiction. He persists in this agenda despite its madness.” http://townhall.com/columnists/lylehrossiterjrmd/2006/12/04/the_liberal_mind_the_
The War on Women is waged by loathsome liberals.
Talking to liberals about morals and logic is like trying to tell a toddler about academics and aesthetics.

As Christians advance in removing children from government schools, liberals will do what they did to the 1974 Textbook Protesters.  There are three levels of attack.

1. Deceive:  The opposition will have infiltrators unite with us in order to gather information.
2. Distract:  The opposition will attempt to cause confusion and even commit acts to discredit us.
3. Destroy:  The opposition will not hesitate to hurt us in whatever way they can.  Marvin Horan is a prime example.

Liberals will cheat, connive, and censor without contrition.
Liberals should look and learn that evolution is laughable.
If a liberal’s lips are moving he/she is likely speaking lies or spewing lunacy.
It must be tough being a liberal. They look at a pre-born baby via a sonogram and still say it is not a baby. They see life complicated beyond comprehension and they see nothing evolving, yet they deny the Creator. They have access to medical facts that anal intercourse is neither normal nor healthy yet they call it being “gay.” They accuse conservatives of racism yet liberals vote for a man strictly for the color of his skin. Contradictions consume liberals. They are “willingly ignorant” (2 Peter 3:5 a) and heading for “ even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind...” (Read the rest in the first chapter of Romans (KJB).
Liberals believe anything goes (except for biblical values) and that is just what is happening as America goes down the drain.
The Huffington Post should be renamed Hypocrisy Post. It claims to operate from an open-minded foundation, but my comments have been censored. Huffington, huffed and puffed and couldn’t stand the heat of a different worldview--mine.
Some descriptions I partially pulled from others:
Democrats (i.e. “liberals”) depend on division, destruction, and demonization.
Learjet, limousine liberals are loony.
Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease infecting the mindless and spread by spineless spiritual leaders.
Liberals have poured their liquid lies upon the soil of history and made a muddy mess. I gleefully grab handfuls of the mud and sling it upon the liberals’ robs of self-righteousness. See Protester Voices—Banded Book, Exodus Mandate Articles, and Evolutionism Battles.
Liberals have the opinion that they are open-minded, but in reality they are closed-minded Christophobic censors.
Since it is genetically possible for the child of a mixed couple to be lily white or dark black can those on either end of the color spectrum to identify as either white or black? Would black folks vote for Obama if his skin was lighter? If black folks really wanted a black man as the first president why didn’t they support Alan Keyes? Is Obama president because of racism and liberalism intermarriage? (snipped from “Political Bugs") Looney liberalism does not discarnate. It infects all colors and creeds.
Liberals are always griping about “censorship”. It’s funny they want to censor my book Protester Voices—the 1974 Textbook Tea Party.
Accurate Axioms:
1. Liberals are liars
2. Don't trust anything they say--always verify.
3. Presume verification is not final.
Al Gore is a great example of goofy liberals. He talks about empowering women while he eyeballs (or more) women other than his wife. He gets on common guys for gas guzzling while his own lifestyle goes far away from green.
There are some likeable liberals. It is their ideology that is insidious.
The ACLU is a frightening farce. The power that evil organization wields is sickening. I can think of some accurate labels for the “L”. "Liars" would be a good one. In 2006 I wrote to the ACLU-WV asking for assistance in seeking appropriate legal remedy regarding the promotion of New Age/Eastern mysticism religion of Yoga in Kanawha County schools. I offered to provide references which disclose the religious nature of Yoga.

The ACLU was informed that “The argument that Yoga is used only for 'relaxation, exercise, and self-confidence' is without merit. If the ACLU allows that argument to prevail then the ACLU should allow creationism to be taught as long as it's for scientific purposes (no Bible or God references) and because it broadens the horizons and increases the cognitive processes of students.”

I asked, “Although I think there is no such thing--would the ACLU allow the so-called "Christian Yoga" to be used?”

The ACLU website lies when it says “ public schools themselves should not be in the business of promoting particular religious beliefs or religious activities.” (http://www.aclu.org/religion-belief/aclu-and-freedom-religion-and-belief) Of course, the ACLU rejected my request.

In 2008 the problem was worse and I tried again. After another rejection via a form letter wrote: “ Since your form letter did not provide a date of my request, nor a restatement of my request I shall not bother you with restating it here…I must conclude that the ACLU actually approves of the objectionable activity I brought to your attention. Shame, shame on the ACLU."

The ACLU website brags about its crusade against (the Christian) religion in West Virginia schools. Here are some things the local ACLU brags about on its website: In 20006 they sought removal of a “portrait” of Jesus from a high. In 2002 they forced a school district to end its graduation prayer policy. In 1999 they caused a county school system to remove the Ten Commandments from being posted.

Religion rules in Kanawha County Schools.
In 2011 I contacted the Kanawha County Public Library regarding its avid promotion of “Yoga for Kids.” I pointed out the religious foundation of yoga and closed with “I see no problem with an adult lecture format about yoga or any religion. To entice children into a stealth religion is wrong. The St. Albans branch has a program titled “Healthy Camp Challenge” which seems to be a non-religious program that would be beneficial to the well-being of children. I suggest that program replace the religion of yoga program.”

I got the usual liberal righteous rationalization to which I replied: You indicate that this has been a practice of the KCPL since 2007 “because there is interest in it.” Also, you stated that the program is “completely voluntary, and parents must give permission and be present.” I wonder if permission would be granted if the library disclosed that yoga is a religious aspect of Hinduism. I urge you to make that clear on the form. On KCPL shelves there is ample documentation that yoga is closely connected to Hinduism. Of course, some parents don’t care, but there are likely many who are unaware.

“Now, since I assume that the KCPL does not want to be guilty of establishment of a particular religion, I will provide information about programs that would be widely popular with patrons of every branch. These programs are connected to the Christian religion, but the presenters would make sure that their program is not like a church service. Of course, unlike the yoga evangelists, these men would not use subterfuge.”

Time will tell if the KCPL will allow a token appearance from those men. (Note: Several years ago, I presented (at two branches.)
I have seen the devastation caused by alcohol. I doubt if it is much less, if any, than drugs. Appeal of the 18th amendment was based upon "Prohibition became increasingly unpopular during the Great Depression, as the repeal movement, led by conservative Democrats and Catholics, emphasized that repeal would generate enormous sums of much needed tax revenue, and weaken the base of organized crime." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition#Prohibition_in_the_United_States)

Sound familiar?

Two books on liberalism are: Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweitzer and Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild by Michelle Malkin.
Liberal Logic is lucus a non lucendo (a misnomer).
Only a fool or someone who is intentionally ignorant or someone who is brain-washed or someone who is a liberal—wait, the word “liberal” is a synonym for each of the first three categories—does not realize that Islam is at war with America. Actually, they are at war with the world. They know that if America falls, the rest will too. Any Muslim who is not a strong believer in Jihad is the same as a lukewarm (or fake) Christian. He is not following what his Book says.

I am a Christian and I know how it all turns out so it is not scary at all.

However, since no one knows the date of the end, we need to stand up and defend ourselves from the enemy.

Folks, I think liberals are more dangerous than Muslims.
America’s first modern Tea Party (the 1974 Kanawha County Textbook Protest) sounded the alarm.

If we keep our children in public schools we are going to produce more liberals.

The first step to victory (if the Lord delays) is to Rescue the Children!
Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy exposes liberals for what they really are—hypocrites. When asked about conservative hypocrisy, the author answered, “Yes, we are all hypocrites and I talk about that in the book. But liberal hypocrisy and conservative hypocrisy are quite different on two accounts. First, you hear about conservative hypocrisy all the time. A pro-family congressman caught in an extramarital affair, a minister caught in the same. This stuff is exposed by the media all the time. The leaders of the liberal-Left get a complete pass on their hypocrisy. Second, and this is even more important, the consequences of liberal hypocrisy are different than for the conservative variety. When conservatives abandon their principles and become hypocrites, they end up hurting themselves and their families. Conservative principles are like guard rails on a winding road. They are irritating but fundamentally good for you. Liberal hypocrisy is the opposite. When the liberal-left abandon their principles and become hypocrites, they actually improve their lives. Their kids end up in better schools, they have more money, and their families are more content. Their ideas are truly that bad.”  (http://old.nationalreview.com/interrogatory/schweizer200510250827.asp)
(2004 secular source) “Are Liberals more generous than Conservatives? Not according to the 2004 'Generosity Index' published by the Catalogue for Philanthropy.” (http://www.crosswalk.com/1296930/)

(2006 ABC News) "It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth… Religious people are more likely to give to charity, and when they give, they give more money: four times as much. And Arthur Brooks told me that giving goes beyond their own religious organization (church)." (http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=2682730&page=1)

(2008 secular scholar) “Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household. Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood… The single biggest predictor of someone's altruism, Willett says, is religion.”  (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/03/conservatives_more_liberal_giv.html)
A liberal, who is also a devout Mason, told me he does not go to church because he didn’t want to be around all of the hypocrites. Hmmm. He faithfully runs a booth at a popular Flea Market every week-end and happily peddles his product to those hypocrites that arrive after they leave church.
The liberal Charleston Gazette has been kind enough to publish several (not all I submitted) of my articles. The Gazette editors are in a dilemma. If they refuse my pieces it is obvious censorship. Therefore, they likely pray that my opinions will generate little support and much criticism. I have to be a little cynical about the Gazette motives when I am limited to 500 words yet a liberal who gets as much (if not more) opportunities to opine in the Gazette recently had an anti-Christian/conservative piece that had over one thousand words. That is logical to me if I try to think like a liberal.
Speaking of liberal thinking, reminds me of a discussion I had with an atheist Gazette official. After we exchanged some emails I was struck with the thought that liberals (in this case a liberal atheist) are full of faith, fantasy, and faulty logic.

The man has steadfast faith that life will arise from non-life. He fantasizes that living things are evolving when all he sees (and anyone has ever seen) is that all things are devolving. In his fairy-tale world, he imagines that Bible-believing Christians (i.e. fundamentalists) should become perfect (even sprout wings and wear a halo). He, using faulty logic, thinks it is atrocious that America has killed thousands of mostly combatants in Afghanistan, yet has no qualms about the millions of innocent babies that are slaughtered in America. If thinking like that is called logical it must have a prefix. How about loony-logic? Loony-logic can be a synonym of liberal-logic.
Liberals support social positions that are self-righteous and even harmful to human dignity such as welfare without work (excluding those few who really are incapable of doing something--even picking up trash in their neighborhood).
Liberalism is a form of insanity. According to Michael Savage in Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions and in the The Liberal Mind by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, liberalism is a “product of psychopathology: a massive transference neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating effects on the institutions of liberty.”
(http://www.hyscience.com/archives/2008/09/modern_liberali.php#). I think liberals are merely in state of sensibility stupor. Some of their political and social (immigration, national defense, the environment, gun control, and globalism) range from naïve to nutty. On certain issues, liberal looniness is lethal. They look at a cosmos which has been observed for thousands of years by billions of people as devolving and they see evolution--thereby siding with anti-science. They ignore the overwhelming evidence that homosexual behavior is physically and mentally devastating and promote it (sodomy) as normal (See “Politicians" above). They look at ultrasound images of preborn children and say it is acceptable to kill the kids. People either leave liberalism, by taking a ride on the reality road, or slide into senseless stupidly and become levobortomites (see above).
I found out just how open-minded liberals are when I teamed with some other military veterans to oppose the 2004 presidential candidacy of the traitor John Kerry. It was personal, not political, with us--the group was formed by me, a life-long Independent, and a friend, a life-long Democrat. The first time we appeared, on a public sidewalk, outside of a John Edwards event, we were cursed and even nearly run over by a swerving SUV. Several times, union thugs hassled us by attempting to block our signs from view. Our group was (although quite unique and newsworthy) ignored by nearly all of the news media (actually all of the print media). Be sure to see “Hold the Line”.
Liberals are more dangerous to America than are terrorists or communists because liberals rot the fabric of society.
Sodomite soldiers makes as much sense as sails on submarines. For the truth about homosexuality see http://americansfortruth.com.
Although liberals haven’t realized it, America is at war against Islam because Islam attacked us. Moderate Muslims = lukewarm Christians. Neither is true to what their Book teaches. The words “radical” and “Muslim” are redundant.
Liberals have no objective basis for morality. They don’t have a leg on which to stand.
There is no one more narrow-minded than a self-proclaimed “open-minded” liberal.
About all liberals do is lie and cry.
Blaming guns for murders is as logical as blaming forks for fat people. More deaths and heartache have occurred due to alcohol consumption than by bullets fired by civilians.
Liberalism is not limited to pale skin pigmentation. (See below.)

Black folks have more to fear from hook-winking liberals than from hood-wearing Klansmen. The first modern Tea Partiers saw that in 1974.
Also, see my article “Traveling to Truth Transformation.
People (mainly Hollywood highbrows) who exercise, energize, and surgically excise to look good and the shallow people who admire them. What makes a make-up covered talented human being have a more valued opinion than that of natural hard-working country folk? They both need deodorant. Folks who listen to Hollywood do not perceive the great common denominator—the grave.
Men (and worse-women) with blatant clergy collars or those people who are big-school scholars do not have an advantage on spirituality or sagacity.
So called feminists are not feminine in a wonderful Biblical sense, they are merely liberal females. That, by the way, is not a compliment.
Allowing women in combat units or on United States warships is an abomination. I know, personally, that going to sea is tough for a man. No woman should have to endure the experience. I can only imagine how that would be compounded in a combat situation. Insect societies such as wasps and ants let the women do the fighting—that is what God designed.



A hot hole in hell awaits all involved in the baby butchering business of abortion.
Many of those who are against executing criminals would have to change their minds if the term was changed to aborting criminals.
People who hole up signs with a picture of a coat-hanger and a message “Never Again” really mean that thy want to only kill babies with modern butchering tools.

When I see the ASPCA commercials showing all of the abused animals I wonder why stations will not allow ultrasound photos of pre-born babies to ask for donations to pro-life groups.   Also, I wonder how liberals would react if there was a movement to solve the feral cat and homeless dog problem by calling for New York style post-birth abortions for those animals.

If liberals can tell others what to do with their dogs, why can’t others have a say in what liberals do with pre-born babies?
I hereby declare that all preborn babies identify as puppies and kittens and declare the full protection from slaughter that is afforded to living puppies and kittens.
Women scre
aming “My Body! My choice” should be saying “My baby! My murder.”
Why can they kill a baby 2 months (or more), 2 weeks, 2 days, 2 minutes before the baby leaves the protection of her mother’s body, but not kill one 2 minutes, 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months (or more) after she leaves the protection of the mother’s body?

Liberals languish over abused animals and commercials on pound puppies try to beg for bucks, but are outraged when pro-life folks hold photos of butchered babies by abortionists.
Why am I a criminal for killing a cat in my crawlspace, but not for butchering a baby in the birth canal?
I should have the right to abort cats that enter my property. After all it is MY property and no fanatic wager of war on property owners should be able to tell me what to do. (For those “educated” in government schools, this comment is pure sarcasm making a serious point.)
Watching the moving ASPCA commercials showing dogs makes me wonder if TV would allow the same showing preborn babies.
Adolescent, toddler, newborn, fetus (preborn) are all stages of human life. Killing any of them is murder.
The pro-life “Life Chain” is a time of prayer. I pray for eyes to be opened of those who are innocently ignorant of the fact that abortion is murder. I also pray for God’s wrath to fall upon those who intentionally inflict this horrible holocaust upon pre-born humans.
It is interesting how abortionists scream “bloody-murder” when they see large signs showing the bloody murdered babies of abortion.
Abortions have killed millions more babies than the Klan could have dreamed of killing.

If you (or your pastor) is not preaching pro-life it is a pity! If you (or your pastor) has preached pro-life, put the preaching to practice.
Churches will not really try to save babies from slaughter. How many are involved in the “40-40 FACE THE FACTS” Outreach? It is time to put pickets at churches!
Saving babies is veryimportant to me, but God has directed me to be a helper, not a leader, on that battle front. My main ministry is to get children out of government schools. Secondly, I have been called to expose the lie of evolutionism. Both are closely related to abortion. I am on the point in those battles. Each man must do as God leads.
I am not popular with the pro-lifers because I think they spend too much time and money providing politicians with photo opportunities.

I (a Protestant “priest”) stood with two pro-life Catholics outside of the baby-killing W V FREE’s Annual Roe v. Wade Benefit Gala at a Jewish synagogue. The people going in paid $50 each for “for fine food and drink and live music” before hearing a nationally known baby-killer speak. For free we provided them with images of a pre-born baby and the message that “Abortion Harms a Woman.” May God burn the images we provided into their minds. There was no way we could keep within sight of each other and cover all points of entry, but God placed us where we had tremendous impact on some key participants and many passers-by. Honestly, I have come to dread these picket events because the evil I sense is almost overwhelming. The media ignored us. One of my friends was a little discouraged that there were not more people with signs. I said, "We are accountable for ourselves only."

Once I stood with the Missionaries to the Preborn in Cross Lanes, WV for an afternoon display of murdered babies. A pastor from a local church came up and expressed his disapproval because middle school busses wee passing. He should have been concerned to what those kids were being exposed to everyday in their school.

The major West Virginia pro-life organization, West Virginians for Life (WVFL), was made aware of the questions I posed to Senator Manchin (see next paragraph). In mid-July 2011 I was informed that WVFL has a "Manchin Betrayal campaign in its beginning stages."For the 2012 election WVFL sent out a card asking voters NOT to vote for Manchin.  I pray that WVFL will make this the first step in a more aggressive effort to save babies.
On August 31, 2011 I sent the following via Senator Manchin’s website contact form: “If Senator Manchin wants to pretend to be opposed to abortion and still send taxpayer money to the greatest baby killing organization ever to exist he should at least read the book “unPlanned” (http://www.unplannedthebook.com/) by a former Planned Parenthood leader. If the senator wants to waste taxpayer money by sending me a letter through the USPS instead of email, please ask him to directly reference the book.”

On May 25, 2011 I asked (in writing to one of his deputy staff members) US Senator Joe Manchin a couple of clear and concise questions based upon a 5-1-11 AP article in the Charleston Gazette in which the West Virginians for Life anti-abortion group claimed that he has abandoned the pro-life movement. In the article “ Manchin cited a lifelong opposition to abortion but also said the funds help provide cancer screenings, family planning and other health services for women he called vital.” I told the deputy that I wanted straight, not political, answers.

1. Do you consider abortion the taking of a human life?

2. Planned Parenthood admits to aborting 330,000 babies last year. At what point (400,000? half a million? x?) would you be moved to defund that baby killing organization?

On June 21 I sent him the obvious answers. I wrote, “Senator Joe Manchin's presumed answer to two simple questions: “Abortion is taking a human life (it has to be since I proclaim to be pro-life), but I will allow at least 1/3 million babies per year to be killed because the major baby killing organization provides other needed health care services to women. Senator Manchin, with all due respect, when you really want to stop being an accessory to baby killing please let the citizens of West Virginia know.”

On July 11, 2011 Senator Manchin sent me a letter claiming to be “A lifelong abortion opponent.” Amazingly, he claimed “that not one single federal taxpayer dollar is used to fund abortions in this country.” He touted a bill he introduced to set up a “firewall” to protect the funds that go to “cancer screenings and family planning.” Can he be so naïve that he thinks this can be done with the evil people of Planned Parentood? Of course not! He is just another politician. He is worse than an outright liberal. At least they are honest.

I responded on his website (edited for typos):

You chose to not answer my simple questions and only provided political tripe. Your "logic" is like saying you would provide federal money to the Klan as long as none of it was used to lynch blacks because the Klan came up with a program that provides cancer screenings and "family planning" (for PP that equals abortion) to lots of people.

Either be anti-abortion or quick trying to fool people.

Also, if you respond to this, please use email and save tax-payer money.

I received a snail-mail letter dated July 29, 2011 thanking me for my "concerns", telling me he is "proud to represent (me) in the Senate", and pledging to "take the common sense values of West Virginians and make them work in Washington."  CROCK!
Major weekly magazine (or any source) that condemn pro-life folks because abortions allow small families, or some other nonsensical reason. One conservative columnist opined that it should be OK to abort Downs babies. I wonder if he would abort them a few days after they were born.
Some of the most wonderful folks I know are of African descent. It’s too bad so many “Blacks” have sold out to a political party that promotes Black Genocide through the baby slaughter of abortions (see politics/politicians).
Abortion and sodomy are part of a strategy to attack creation. It is satanic based because it is Satan's goal to kill and destroy (The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10). The people that are advocating it are deluded by the slick satanic logic that they are doing good things.  They don't realize where their ideas originate.

I love dogs and it grieves me to see them (or any animal) mistreated. But it is outrageous that those who mistreat animals can go to prison and those who slaughter unborn babies walk free. A picture is worth a thousand words:
“Pro-lifers” who say they are against abortion except (fill in the blank) are not really anti-abortion.
Pro-life leaders need to face the facts.
I won’t even get into the incomprehensible cruelty of humans toward other humans. For evolutionists, it’s just “survival of the fittest” for the most part.



Praise and prayer will put you in the right place.
The military was maimed when women went on warships.
I urge you to have an urgent understanding of the underlying unity of our Union.
Our lives should be interesting and inspirational
Paramount priorities: 1. Praise God. 2. Participate in the Gospel.
Mind your mind and mute your mouth.
You can be mad about God’s standards or glad about God’s salvation.
Hollywood should be called Hellywood. Turn off the stupid programs. Turn your back on the shallow performers. Turn away from the sinful perversions.
Three words crucial to a happy marriage are “I love you.” Three other words are “I am sorry” and “I forgive you.”
A funeral sermon should comfort those who have temporary sorrow and confront those who need eternal salvation.
Pray hard for heavy humbling of the hellbound hoodwinked.
Question: Are you saved? Suggestion: Get saved!
Put your confidence in Christ and when life turns crummy, instead of poutin’, you can go a shoutin’.
Look at the world and be discouraged or, look at the WORD and be encouraged.
To confront Real Hate Groups, we should convict, confound, and condemn them. Hopefully, that will convince them.
You’re going to go with gold or God.
Having hard times can make you bitter or better. Here is my basis.
Think thoroughly about your talents, time, treasure, tongue, and temper.
Hallelujah! Our Holy God can protect us from haters that want to harm us.
A mechanic, a garbage collector, a plumber (and many more such men) are much more important to humanity that any Ph.D. professor at a university.
Here is the actualization: At your life’s cessation, you will get what you choose--damnation or salvation.
The Mass Media have become the Propaganda Press or Satan’s Scribes.
Steadfast holiness comes before substantial happiness.
You can be a victor or a victim. Do not be vainglorious. Be valiant. Give God the glory.
Choose: Either pout and shout your hurt in anger OR praise and raise your hands in awe.
Long hair and lipstick does not make a man into a woman—that is simple science.
The Navy begin to sink when women went on warships.
The discipline dilemma in government schools is not due to pigmentation or poverty, but to absent or addicted dads.
The road to ruin begins with pride* and proceeds through prosperity, propaganda, and politics.
When pride cometh, then cometh shame. Proverbs 11:2a
A man's pride shall bring him low. Proverbs 29:23a
Pride goeth before destruction. Proverbs 16:18a
Cats are wonderful creations, but cats sleep, sneak, and scratch. Dogs protect, play, and pet (When we pet them it is really them petting us.) No wonder that the words God and dog are so similar.
If I declare myself a dog and my wife (yes, by the desecration of the definition of marriage) marries me, or just proclaims I am her comfort animal, I should get to fly for free.
made many blacks better and many blacks bitter. The bitter ones are used by liberals who take ownership of those sad citizens.
To understand what is happening in the world today, read II timothy 3:1-7 and Romans 1:20-32 in the King James Bible.

God’s creed for marriage is for the man to lead and the woman to help him succeed.

Hollywood heathens are emotionally sick, even suicidal. The “stars” have God given talents, but do not give God the glory.

Liberals think with their hearts instead of their heads, but “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9

You can smoke, toke, swallow, or sniff for a short high that leads to a long low, or you can get to know the one “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Hebrews 1:3

Legalizing marijuana will create at least ten times more problems in society than the devastation done by alcohol.
Calling a tattoo “body art” does not diminish the defacing of the body.

Instead of Wonder Woman, seek a wonderful woman. The former is a fantasy and the latter is fantastic.

If Hollywood is so enamored with transvestites, they should replace the glamour (real) girl on Let’s Make a Deal with someone like Caitlyn Jenner.

Real science has done marvelous things. Pseudo-science has wasted much money because of the fanatic belief in “grass ate the cow” belief in evolutionism. That led down the slippery slope of ignoring that abortion kills a scientifically certified human. Then ignoring the scientifically certified chromosome facts of what makes a male and female. With so-called “global warming” (or is it “climate change) one must ask: Hasn’t the climate always changed? What is causing it now? How bad is it? Do we need to (and can we) do anything about it?
Since “Springer” (& similar shows) survive so long there’s no series reason to deny the United States is spiritually sick.

Let's quit calling it terrorism when we all know it is Islamism.
I am calling for a cap on wages of celebrities and people like Al Gore so the money can be redistributed to the needy.

Someone once said that blacks belong to liberal masters. It bugs me that black folks allow themselves to be manipulated by liberals. Liberals are the most racist group of any category. Until black folks break free from liberals America will live with Racial Reality.

Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?
One World government makes sense if you do not understand the true heart of mankind and have never read Revelation 13.

Why stop at LGBTQ rights? Don’t BPCNS (Bestiality, Paedophilia, Coprophilia, Necrophilia, Sadism) people have rights too?
Presidential choices are a clown or a crook.  We can thank Carter and Clinton for making this crummy choice possible.

Clinton debased, the Bush boys degraded, and BObama depraved the office of POTUS.

Tattoos don’t look good new and they look terrible when they are older. They are plainly Satan’s way to deface the pinnacle of God’s Creation.So-called “body art” is really body graffiti.

Black folks have more to fear from hook-winking liberals than from hood–wearing whites.


If I knew you were heading for a washed out bridge and I failed to warn you (even vehemently) because you would be offended that I was critical of your driving or good judgment—it would not be an act of love.

Black folks allow themselves to be a tool in liberal’s kit to corrupt America. Liberals claim to care for blacks, but only use blacks as a sedative to sooth their consciouses for their perception of white privilege.

Shriners do righteous works, but God said, “ all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Shriners need to get saved and open a hospital called “Saviors Hospital.”

Attorneys almost make me believe in evolution. They represent a lower life form. If they issued warranties for their work they would deserve some respect.
I was raised on beans, greens, tators, & mators. Cornbread was my cake.
MATURE MATERIAL: Punks can put their penises in places they prefer as long as I am not forced to pay for or praise it.

Socialism and Santa are sort of the same. The former is a dangerous farce and the latter is a dumb fantasy.
I am now pro-abortion—Let’s abort convicted murderers.

In a waiting room I browsed a copy of a popular celebrity magazine.  It was full of pictures of pretty people--all with lurid lives of divorce, drugs, and despair. Fame and fortune do not trump faith and family.
We will always have poor people. The Bible (Matthew 26:11; Mark 14:7; John 12:8 KJB) makes that clear. It is a liberal and Communist/socialist fantasy that poverty can be eliminated. There is nothing wrong with being poor. Of course the Bible tells us to help the poor. The poor who suffer are almost totally in countries with governments that reject God.
Advice columnists (like Dear Abby and Ann Landers and their spin offs) have no objective authority on which to base their advice. It is their own fallible opinion and they often refer trouble people to couselors who only provide their own (and the world’s) fallible opinions.
When the Messiah/God is rejected the masses get Obama or Hitler-like leaders.
Christian radio stations that play modern music seldom have the name of Jesus in the songs. Even God is infrequent. The devotion of those songs could easily be directed to a mystical guru or worse.
Christian movie producers are too much led by lawyers and motivated by money.
Today’s dads are detached, divorced, or they disappeared.
As we get nearer to the end of this time in God’s schedule we see darkness deepening and evil encapsulating society.
Notice how, as time as progressed, that Satan has attacked (1) God’s Word (multiple per-versions) (2) God’s design for families (homosexuality promotion and divorce) (3) God’s gem of creation (confusion of genders and abortion).
Would you rather be in a restaurant with nine good-guys carrying concealed weapons when a bad guy comes in to shoot up the place OR would you rather be there with no armed good guys when the nut comes in?
Homosexual zealots (and the others are quiet) are out to destroy Christianity.  Their liberal "friends" claim Islam is a religion of peace.  I pity homosexuals if Islam becomes the dominant religion.  Bible believing Christians want to see homosexuals saved.  Muslims want to see them slaughtered.
As a teacher I observed the bullied kids were the plump, poor, and Pentecostal.

Personal sexual preferences do not concern me unless I am forced to pay for the problems caused or praise the cursed practice.
I can understand why black folks may not like the Confederate battle flag, but am amazed that they are OK with the Planned Parenthood logo. The latter murders thousands of black babies every year.

The Devil’s deception is appealing and thrilling, but the result is chilling and killing.
, controlled by Satan, see the struggle is spiritual so they charge Christianity.
The Silent Majority is now the Silenced Minority.
Too many liberated blacks have become liberalized blacks and lapse back into loathsome bondage.
If you step in dog defecation don’t expect me to call it puppy puree.
Your bedroom is private unless you push me to pay for or praise it.
American communities should establish a Heterosexual Pride Week with major proud parades.
Tattoos are Satan’s attack on what is intended to be the temple for the Holy Spirit.
Why don’t God haters ban the Seven Day Week? The only basis for it is the Bible, contrary to attempts to credit it to the Babylonians.

God’s plan is the woman lets the man be the head of the home and the man loves the woman with all his heart.

A “Christian homosexual “is like a “Christian child molester”. There is no such person. There can be both forgiven, saved, redeemed washed in the blood of Jesus people who committed those sinful acts.
Christmas does not stand on a store. CHRISTMAS started with a star.
Let’s start a conservative campaign: HANDS DOWN! DON’T ROB OR RIOT! We could add “RESIST”.

Without the Christian Deity, America is doomed to the diversity of a devious, drugged, diseased, and dumb putrefied population.

Money makes most men (and women) act funny or crummy.

You can live your life God’s way---or not. God’s way is good---all others are rot.
There is a thin line between awesome and awful, but a wide margin at totally awesome or totally awful.

The Internet is full of furious fanatics—Dawkins’s Dummies, Darwin’s Devotees, and the Devil’s Disciples. Their lives are limited to posting putrid comments on columns that relate to conservatives or Christians.


I kicked my baseball addiction long ago. Interleague play started and steroid use finished my break from that consuming activity. The DH didn’t help. When WVU hired a drunken gambler as head coach and back-stabbed the good man, Coach Stu, I went cold turkey from that bad habit. Now I realize that being a WVU (substitute any team name) fan is like drug addiction. Between games you crave a hit. As the game starts you start getting the high and if they win it is a good high. A loss is like bad dope (I guess—going by what I have read.). If folks are fans of a sport, they can enjoy games of any team and level. It is not something they hunger for and actually have a downer without their fix. Also, college sports are not played by kids and the motivation of the school is mostly (if not all) money. Most importantly, WVU fans despise WVU opponents more than they despise the devil. They talk about and praise WVU more than they do Jesus! I have seen the light and I like it!
“Same Sex Marriage”: Let's follow the logic. Marry whomever or whatever you love. Multiple partners, children, siblings, parents, multiple couples, computers, animals, trees...

The two most dangerous places for children in America are the mom’s womb and the school room.
Tattoos are Satan’s way of tarnishing God’s image.
Will we be milestones or millstones for children before we go under our tombstone?
I ponder the possibility that multiple mass murders, terrible thievery, distinct deception, woeful weather and individual indulgence is a sign that the Savior is soon to show.
The Devil wants to defeat you and with his dirty duo devices: deceive you or delay you.

(See the seas I saw while I was a sailor.)

This doesn’t bug me, but there is not a better plaec to post this. Someone asked “explain to me how you justified working in the public school system while holding your views.”

It's simple:

God kept me there.

Had He not, I would not have all of the knowledge I have about the system. For example, see pages 329-330 of Protester Voices—The 1974 Textbook Tea Party. Secondly, see the Evolutionism Battles.  Last, think of missionaries in evil countries.

A piece of metal may provide peace of mind. BUT, “no Jesus, no peace; know Jesus, know peace.”

Us killing time is a metaphor.  Time killing us is a reality.  See “COUNTING TO THE APPOINTMENT”.

Affirmative Action is reverse discrimination and only leads to suspicion of the accomplishments and abilities of those who benefit from it.
A corporation that bows to homosexual pressure makes as much sense as bowing to pressure from adulterers, pedophiles, necrophiliacs, sadomasochists and zoophiliacs.  They too can claim to be born that way.

Depraved Disney World is woefully dizzy over deviant sex (sodomy) so serious citizens should stay clear from that licentious land.
To the creep that keyed my truck: A child is more cultured and courageous
It is not about homosexuals. By biblical standards homosexuals are about analogous as adulterers. It is not about what people practice in privacy. Most men are born with a susceptibility to have serial sex and the massive majority prefer females. When a particular practice (sodomite or polygamous marriage, for examples) are pushed on the public then it is permissible, even obviously obligatory, for people to object. Not to do so subsidizes a sick society. To disagree a person does not equate to dislike of that person.
The professional and political lives of people are tied to their personal lives. If a man has no integrity in his home, he cannot be trusted in the corporate world, Congress, the court or White House.
Hollywood is hostile to anything holy. It is sad that so many of the masses desire and admire the devilish standards of the sin-sick movie and music stars whose morals are more like bile than biblical. It is heartbreaking that frenzied fans sink to the sewer standards spewed by Hollywood.
The problem began in the 70's when they foolishly allowed females aboard warships.  Now, it is on down the slippery slope accelerated by our sexualized society. Mix in the sodomites and we have a sick situation.
Don’t bother with baby butchers and sodomy supporters like bo, Biden, and their buddies. Instead, focus on Cindy and Sid Citizen.

It is so simple: Serve the Savior or get suckered by satan.

The fun by frolicking in sin may be sweet, but is very short. “No Jesus, no peace. know Jesus, know peace”.

Homosexuals (Sodomites) have done what they do for thousands of years. Except for atheistic situations like Nazi Germany and religions like Islam no one harmed them other than Christians trying to preach to them out of concern for the Sodomites’ souls. Now, due to liberal leadership, sodomites deemed their perversion be considered normal. Sodomites say they want to marry, but they really want to muzzle Christians.

“Low information voters” contain much misinformation in what little information they have.

It is a proof for the biblical God that His name and (especially) Jesus Christ are widely used as profanity. Any deity or prophet’s name would work just as well. Of course there would be a lot of mayhem if people used Allah as they do God and Jesus. Christians mostly remain mum. They should, at least, politely ask it not be not. At best, they should say, “Since you brought Him up, may I tell you about Him?”
I know many folks (who are black) who deserve the highest respect of any human beings. I also know some of that skin pigmentation who are evil. That goes for whites in both categories. I simply know very few of other pigmentations, but I know it would be the same. Lately (7-2013) Obama is making a big deal out of racism in America. I doubt if he knows what it is like to be black in America much more than me having grown up with black kids, some not as poor as I was. If there is any real dialogue about racism let’s include the The Color of Crime. Sam Sewell says it well.

Whether it is due to bigotry or just a bum deal red, yellow, brown, black, and white folks have all suffered (from other colors and their own) due to the sinful nature of mankind. To my “African-American” friends: Some of you had ancestors that had it very rough. Some of you have had it tough. Get over it. I know about hard-times. I don’t call myself an “English-American” because my ancestor came from England. By the way, he came over as a prisoner (perhaps in chains) to work (probably alongside African slaves) on a sugar plantation in Barbados. Some of the most prejudiced people I have known are blacks. The problem with real racism and perceived racism is not due to skin, it’s due to sin.

Blacks sold their souls for skin color when they voted for Obama.
Satan uses smooth sugary slime to sucker self-worshipers.
I grieve over young guys and gals that glorify goofy Hollywood God-haters
God will give me Grace to finish the race. You too?
Obama proved the Bible is true when he asked the blessing of God upon the baby killers at Planned Parenthood and embraced sodomy. Romans 1:22-32. I hope he heeds the warning in I saiah 5:20.
I wonder if Obama would praise a pro-athlete who declared himself to be a serial adulterer.
The post office is a prime example of a program ran by the government and ruled by a union.
Gun laws based upon emotionalism only serve to punish the innocent. It would be more logical to ban mental illness. Background checks MIGHT not be a bad idea if it was only done to determine that John Doe is mentally stable enough to own a gun if he wants. No record should be kept of what, if any, firearms are purchased by John Doe.
In grad school I once refused to sit in a smoke-filled classroom and stood in the hall with a lady who was allergic to cigarette smoke. We were ahead of the time because most of the students in the social work class had a liberal bent. Smoking is unhealthy and many smokers are pigs (while sitting at a just look out your car window at the butts along the curb), but the government has no right to prohibit smoking in privately owned businesses. I do not have to go in those places.

A quote I carry in my billfold: “I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I want to be. I am not what I hope to be. But still I am not what I used to be. And by the grace of God, I am what I am.” (John Newton)
A knotted rope can mean a mess or it can be a means.
Anyone who claims Christians are intolerant and judgmental should examine themselves. First of all, they are judging and being intolerant of Christians. Secondly, they have their own line which they will not cross unless that are immense idiots. Take sexual practices for example. Many are fine with fornication (sex out of wedlock) and even adultery. More and more accept homosexual acts and even anal intercourse. Somewhere in the following list they will make a judgment to be intolerant: polygamy perhaps (how about married John and Jane Doe marrying the married couple next door?), incest (cousins, maybe, but how about siblings or parent-child?), pedophilia, zoophilia.
A Bible believing preacher said that “the devil will try to entice us, then ensnare us, and finally expose us”. I add that, even if he does not succeed in the last one, the Bible makes it clear that “ For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” (Luke 8:17) Also see Ecclesiastes 12:14 ; Luke 12:2; Mark 4:22; Corinthians 5:10,11; Revelation 20:12 (KJB)

I seldom participate in lengthy discussions (debates). Instead I choose to provide laconic discernment (discourse).
Only a sin-sick society would have sick shows like Springer.
How about Affirmative Action in the NBA? As long as any group gets preferential treatment individuals (no matter how talented) will never be considered to have earned what they attain. A preacher friend said, “Racism is not a skin problem, it’s a sin problem.” Long ago in Africa and America the blacks were killing and enslaving other blacks and the red men were doing the same to other red men. Yellow has hated yellow (China & Japan for example).  Brown has hated Brown (Indian & Pakistan for example).  White has hated white (the two World Wars for example).  If the world was all one color or even one religion (Muslims killing other Muslims for example) it would not change. The only solution is recorded in Revelation 21:4 (KJB).

Racism is not a simple “black and white” matter.  See http://www.insectman.us/misc/racial-reality.htm.
Sin provides pleasure. Salvation provides peace.
Sin furnishes fantasy. Salvation furnishes fulfillment.

It is simple arithmetic. America is subtracting millions of our babies by killing them (abortions) while Muslims are multiplying.
Legislating Morality: All laws are based upon someone’s concept of right and wrong. Almost (if not all) have a moral premise.
I have a friend who lives in Johannesburg. If he obtains U.S. citizenship would he be an “African-American.” He is Caucasian.
Top 5 Dangers to America

5. Communists/Marxists
4. Muslims
3. Liberals
2. Compromised conservatives/clergy
1. Government School graduates (many of these are in levels 5, 3, & 2)
I have seen so many shattered lives that only the Savior can salvage.
If racial profiling is bad, why are racial preferences good?
America has been dumbed down to the level of “Valleyspeak” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valspeak). The idiotic has inundated many high level communicators such as conservative talk show hosts. For comments about that and other common items see “Bugs in My Ears”.
Someone said, "Socialism is stupid on steroids."  That is a certainty.
Heaven is for real (for sure) but I am not sure about the book by that name. If it is not in the Scripture then it has serious issues.
Our society is sick because of the failure of fathers. Although the importance of dads is definitely biblical (Psalms 103:13), it would be true without citing a verse because it is the way we are designed.
People do not face the fact that they are going to die. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. (Heb. 9:27 KJB)
No person, possession, position, place, price, or pharmaceutical can compare to the precious preset the Prince of Peace can provide
Some say we need to prepare for the future with guns, grub, gold, and guts. Those things are fine, but mostly moot without God and the Gospel.
Lots of celebrities have millions of dollars and multitudes of admirers but they are miserable.
People who believe the Bible (i.e.”Fundamentalists”) may get laughed at. So did Jesus. "And they laughed him to scorn". (Mark 5:40a) Jesus told the listeners something that their eyes told them was not true. In a similar way, we tell others the Gospel, Young Earth Creationism, or the need to rescue their children and their hearts tell them what we say is silly.

People who believe the Bible may be hated. So was Jesus. "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18)

What does Jesus tell Bible believers to do? "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you". (Matthew 5:11-12)

What have other Bible believers done? "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name". (Acts 5:41)
From Katrina (actually back to the 60's with the race riots) through the floods and storms of 2011 God is bringing America to judgment for her sin. It is like breaking a rock with a hammer and chisel. Just keep striking. After maybe 10 times or maybe 100-- eventually there will be a blow that finishes the job.
My book is systematically censored. The criticism is that the book is too conservative, too Christian, or too controversial. No one has claimed it is crazy or crummy.
I love to contemplate how to alliterate the points I make.

A perfect face, pleasing personality, or profound talent does not equal someone worthy of admiration.

Earrings are for pirates and females.
Tattoos are for criminals and carnival side show freaks.
More on tattoos: Read Leviticus 19:28; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Review http://www.biblebelievers.com/watkins_tattoos/bible.html. Repent, if you have one. God will forgive you. Relate your mistake to others so they will not repeat what you did.
Texting and tweeting have replaced conversation and composition.
Television can’t be trusted for anything except trash.

The bottom line is that the Bible is true where we read “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (I Tim. 6:10) Money motivates and religion regulates.

Like everyone, insects can irritate me, but humans really bug me.


*From the poem “ Only One Life” by Charles Thomas Studd, Missionary to China, India, and Africa.